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Alex and Ellen signed the birth certificate. Jake Dillon Keaton. Named after his great grandfather of course. They took him home, and the adventure began.

   Jake began to cry and Ellen got out of the bed, walking towards the nursery. She picked up her son and smiled at him.

"Hi Jakey," she whispered. "What's wrong?" She bounced him up and down lightly for a moment, before singing.

"You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you."

"Still won't go down?" Alex asked from behind. She turned around and smiled.

"He's calmed down," she said. He walked forward and set a hand on her hip, and kissing her. He then took the baby out of her hands and wrapped him up in his arms. The baby closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"There," Alex said quietly. He set him back in his crib securely, and they quietly left the room. They laid in their bed and Alex wrapped his arms around Ellen's waist.

"I'm exhausted," she whispered, and Alex hummed a response, already half asleep.

   "It's worth it," he mumbled, and Ellen sat a hand on her pillow, and they both fell fast asleep.

"Good morning," Ellen said when she woke up. She saw Alex getting ready for work, and holding Jake in his other hand. "Multitasking I see."

"Definitely," he said. She walked behind him and took their son from his hands. He then quickly tied his tie.

   "Have a good day," she said. He kissed her, then leaned down and kissed Jake's head. He bent down to grab his briefcase and walked out the door.

   "Did you all read the chapters I assigned over the weekend?" Alex asked his class. "Do you have any questions?"

A girl who was one of Alex's top students raised her hand. Alex was slightly confused, as she almost always understood their topics. He called her name and pointed at her, leaning onto his desk. She set her hand down.

"Did you have a girl or a boy?" She asked, and Alex smiled and shook his head.

"A boy," he said lightheartedly. "Now to get back on track..." he continued to teach his lesson, but was distracted the majority of the day. He anxiously waited to go home. During one of the final hours of the day, Jennifer walked in. He smiled at her and she pulled a chair up to his desk.

   "How's Ellen?" She asked him.

   "She's good. She's tired but we're getting the hang of it," he said, and Jennifer smiled widely.

   "This is so exciting," she said. Alex messed her hair up lovingly.

   "Do you need a ride home?" He asked her. She shook her head.

   "I'll get a ride with Chrissy. You go home and see your family," she said. Alex have her a pointed look.

   "Don't forget you're my family too," he said. She shook her head.

   "How could I forget," she replied. She stood up and kissed his cheek, before walking out the door. The bell rang and his free period was over. The class filed in, and he began his lesson.

   "Hey babe," Ellen said to Jake as she carried the newborn around the house. She smiled as the baby stared at her calmly, unbothered. "I love you."

Alex eventually walked through the door, taking Ellen into his arms. She smiled contently as he hugged her.

"How was Jake?" He asked.

"Good. He slept most of the day. I took a nap too," she said, connecting her hands around Alex's neck. They separated at arms length.

   "I'm glad. You need rest," he said, brushing her hair away.

   "So do you," she said. "You're up just as much as me."

   "Then let's take a couch nap," he said, and she laughed lightly. "Come on. Isn't Jakey asleep?"

   "Fine," she replied. He hopped onto the couch from behind and she rolled her eyes at his dramatics, but laid on top of him. They closed their eyes, and woke up when they heard the phone ringing. They checked the time and saw that they had been asleep for about 45 minutes. Ellen grabbed the phone and answered it while Alex went to check on his son. He closed the door lightly and walked back to see Ellen on the phone.

   'Who is it?' He mouthed to her. She covered the receiver.

   "It's my dad," she whispered. Alex looked curiously at her. She hung up and looked at him. "He's coming for a visit next week."

   "That should be fine. We have an extra room," Alex said. "Something wrong?"

   "Oh please this is my father. What could possibly go wrong?" She replied sarcastically. Alex shook his head and smiled, before hearing Jake crying. He walked into the room and changed his diaper.

   "I'm getting pretty good at this," Alex said, and Ellen rolled her eyes.

   "Your confidence is refreshing."

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