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"We're gonna miss you Ellen," her coworkers said solemnly on her last day. She gave them all hugs and told them that she would visit the cafe whenever she was in the city. She left and proceeded to meet Alex at the apartment.

"How'd it go?" He asked her. She smiled.

"Not to bad. You?"

"They begged for me to stay," he said cockily, and she giggled. They looked around and saw how empty it was, excluding the few boxes and clothes they had left. They were going to leave the furniture there for the next owners, and just buy new ones when they moved in. It would be easier then shipping them out.

   "I think we're making the right decision," Ellen said. Alex walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her almost nonexistent stomach. He kissed her cheek and set his forehead on her shoulder comfortably.

"Ellen how did I get so lucky?" He asked her. She set her hands on top of his.

"No idea," she teased. He shook his head and walked around her to they were face to face. He set his hand on her cheek and rubbed it softly. She closed her eyes at the familiar touch.

"Something you said, that night in the train station. That underneath all of my layers, I was a wide-eyed child. I want to use that," he said, and Ellen opened her eyes. "I'm going to be a dad, and we have completely different views of the world. I want our child to be able to talk to me, and to trust me just like I did with my parents."

"They will honey," Ellen said. "They will." She lifted her arms up to hug him, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Is something worrying you?"

   "I just want to be the best dad I can be," he said, looking down at his feet embarrassed, and Ellen's smile widened.

   "Alex you're gonna be amazing," she said, wiping his hair out of his forehead.

   "Don't you ever get worried?" He asked her. She gave a bittersweet smile and took his hands in hers. She nodded, closing her eyes.

   "I didn't have enough time with my own mom," she said slowly. "To understand certain things. I wish I could talk to her."

   "Ellen I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up," Alex said, hugging her.

   "Its okay," she replied. "I needed to get it off my chest." He rubbed her back soothingly as she took deep breaths, calming herself down.

"Come on. Let's take a break," he said, and she scrunched her face up.

"But we haven't even started anything yet," she said as if it was obvious.

"I know," he replied, clearing a place off of the couch for them to sit. He began to rub her shoulders gently, and she leaned back into his stomach comfortably.

"So are you excited about teaching?" She asked him.

"Yeah. Hopefully I don't have any students as disrespectful as that one student from my college class. What was her name again? Ellen Reed?" He teased.

"You left me no choice you were wrong," she said with a straight face, before the two burst into laughter.

"Whatever you say," he said, pulling her closer to his body as they laughed. She sighed and sunk into the touch.

   "I love you," she told him, straining her neck to look backwards. He bent down to kiss her forehead.

   "I love you too," he said.
The married couple stood outside of their new house, staring at their newest life project.



The two began to move boxes and furniture into the house. Eventually, they were joined by the Keatons, Skippy, and then Nick. They began to sort piles of stuff, and Ellen was put in charge of setting dishes in the cabinets, as nobody would let her lift anything. Even after she tried to fight them. Once they were at a decent stopping point, they all sat down on the floor of the living room, and Alex brought out sodas.

   "Thank you all so much for your help," Ellen said gratefully.

   "Of course!" Elyse exclaimed. "We're so excited you guys are moving back."

   "You can say that again," Andy said, and Alex reached over to ruffle his hair. Andy guarded his head with his arm, but Alex still messed it up.

   "We are too," alex said. They talked and talked.

"Well I should get home," Skippy said. "My mothers probably already called the police worrying about me."

"Yeah I should too," Nick said. He kissed Mallory and stood up, walking out. Alex and Ellen hugged his family as they said their goodbyes.

"Call is if you need anything," Jennifer said, kissing her brother's cheek and hugging Ellen tightly.

"Will do Jenn," Alex said. Once it was quiet, Alex and Ellen sat on the bay window in their bedroom, looking out the window.

"It's quieter then New York," she said with a soft tone.

"I like it," he replied. She nodded.

"Yeah. I do too."

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