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   "Never a dull moment with the Keaton family," Alex said as he hung up on Jennifer. They sat on the couch cuddling.

   "I believe it," Ellen said.

   "Watch this," Alex said. He set his fingers up and counted back from three. Three-two-one. When he closed his fingers into fists, the phone rang. He pointed at Ellen, indicating that she should answer it.

   "Hello," she said, picking it up.

   "Ellen!" The Keaton family exclaimed from the other end. She laughed lightly.

   "Hi everyone!" She exclaimed, setting the receiver between the two.

   "Do you guys wanna tell us what happened?" Elyse asked.

   "Or are you just gonna let us guess?" Steven said. They smiled and told them the story.

   "That's so romantic," Jennifer gushed. Ellen leaned her head onto Alex's shoulder and he turned his head to kiss her hair.

"Well we'll let you guys go. We'll talk to you soon," Elyse said.

"Wait!" Andy's voice exclaimed.

"What's up buddy?" Alex asked, smiling from ear to ear at the sound of his brother.

"I miss you Alex!"

"I miss you too Andy! I'll see you really soon, okay?"

"Okay! Bye Alex! Bye Ellen!" He exclaimed.

"Bye Andy," they said at the same time. They hung up and Ellen removed herself from Alex's side and stretched her arms out. Alex moved the phone back to where it had been originally placed. He sat back on the couch and looked at Ellen.

   "What?" She asked. Instead of saying anything, he leaned in and kissed her passionately. She fell back on the couch and took him with her, causing him to fall on top of her. They both laughed loudly.

   "Come on. Let's get ready for bed," he said. "It's been a long day." They fell into the bed and Alex pulled Ellen against his chest.

   "I missed this," she said.

   "I did too," he said. They both fell asleep easily.

Two months later, Alex got out of bed early to go to work.

"Do you have to go?" Ellen mumbled, still half asleep.

"I have an important meeting today," Alex said, getting ready. He grabbed his stuff and walked over to Ellen, kissing her forehead. She grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the bed, wrapping her arms around him.

   "I love you," she said.

   "I love you too," he said. "And you should get up, you have work today."

   "Yeah okay," she said. She reluctantly woke up and got ready. Ellen worked part time in the cafe where Alex had first taken her. Technically, Alex made more than enough money for the both of them to live there, but Ellen hated the idea of living there and not paying anything. So she got a part time job. She grabbed a jacket and left the apartment.

"Good morning Ellen," her coworker said as she walked in.

"Good morning," she replied, grabbing her apron from the hanger.

Her favorite part of working at the cafe was when the girls and boys from the dance studio across the street went in. It taught all ages, so sometimes it would be little seven year olds with their teacher watching them order lemonades, and sometimes it would be seventeen year olds buying coffee and gossiping about the school dance coming up. Most of the time, they were still in their leotards and tights. Ellen missed dancing, and she still practiced almost everyday, but once college had ended, there were less and less opportunities. However, she loved where she was and what she was doing. She helped ground Alex. Helped keep him from drowning himself in work and money. And he gave her someone to come home to. Someone to talk and laugh with. She had missed that when she was traveling. They were a good team.

When Ellen finished her shift, she hung up her apron and grabbed her tips, before walking out the doors. She waved at the students leaving the dance studio and continued her walk. On her way, she heard a small whimper to her side. She looked over and saw a little brown dog.

"Well hello," Ellen said, walking over and bending down. "Where do you belong?" She asked. She looked on the dog's neck and saw no tag or collar. "That's odd."

She picked the dog up and carried it to the apartment. She walked in and set him on the couch.

"There you go," she said, before filling a bowl of water up for him. She then looked for some food to give the dog. She looked at the clock and saw that Alex would be coming home in any minute. She thought about what to do, and then brought the dog to their bedroom, closing the door behind it. She grabbed a cup of orange juice and sat down, waiting for her boyfriend to come home.

   "Hi honey," Alex said when he opened the door.

   "Hey," Ellen said. He walked over to the couch and kissed her, sitting down, throwing his legs over hers, and laying down. She laughed lightly. "How was work?"

   "Good! We made a really good run today," he said.

   "Good to hear," she replied.

   "How was your day?" He asked her.

   "About that..." she replied. "I have something to show you..."

   "Should I be worried?" He asked.

   "Probably," Ellen replied. She tossed his legs off of herself and stood up, walking to the bedroom and opening it up. She picked up the small dog and walked back out.

   "Uh... Ellen. Did you get a dog?" Alex asked her.

   "I found him alone. He didn't have a collar," she said. "What should we name him?"

   "Whoa whoa whoa. I never said we were keeping it," he said, holding his arms up in defense.

   "But look at his little face," Ellen said, bringing the dog up to her face and pressing their cheeks together as she gave him a pouty look. Alex rolled his eyes playfully.

   "Fine," he said. Ellen cheered, jumping up and down. "You name him."

   "What about... Elvis," she said. Alex snorted.

   "Are you sure?" He asked her, still laughing.


   "Then Elvis it is."
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