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The days passed quickly. Mallory and Nick got married, Jake began to grow, laughing and rolling on the floor, and everyone was happy. Everything was just as it should be.

"Come on Jakey. Come on," Alex said, squatting down with his arms out. Ellen let go of her son's hips and he began to walk towards Alex. He fell into his arms and Alex stood up, tossing him into the air as they cheered.

"You did it!" Ellen exclaimed excitedly, standing up from her sitting position. Alex set Jake on his hip and Ellen held her hand out to Jake to high-five. He matched his small hand to hers, then pulled it away.

"Good job," Alex said, shifting him higher on his hip, making his son giggle and hide his head in his father's shirt. Alex and Ellen looked at him with happiness written all over their faces.

"Are you ready for family pictures tomorrow?" Ellen asked her husband. He nodded.

"It kind of seems like a waste of time," he said slowly, and Ellen rolled her eyes.

"Jake do you think taking family pictures is a waste of time?" Ellen asked. He pulled his head from his dad's shirt.

"Yes," he said, turning back around. Ellen's mouth dropped open and she crossed her arms, looking at Alex with her eyebrows raised.

"You brainwashed him, didn't you?" She asked. Alex shook his head. "This is Andy all over again."

"Andy is the perfect child," Alex said defensively. Ellen rolled her eyes, but took her son from her husband.

"Why don't you go play with Elvis," she said, setting him down and watching him play with their dog.

"Don't worry. Our clothes are all ready," Alex said, and Ellen smiled.

   "Thank you," she said. "It's really important to your mom."

   "I know. That's the only reason I'm doing it," he said, pulling her in by her waist.

   "You're such a mama's boy," she teased. Alex kissed her quickly.

   "So what if I am," he said with a dramatic shrug, hands still on her waist. Ellen ruffled his hair and walked backwards, picking her son up and flipping him around towards her.

   "Come on little man. It's time for a bath," she said. She walked him over to the bathroom and started to run the water.
   "Okay everyone move a little to the left," the photographer said. The family stood, posed in front of a camera.

"How did those ones turn out?" Elyse asked the photographer.

"I think good," she said. "Let's try a different pose now."

The family moved around, shifting and sitting on the floor. They took a few pictures, before switching.

"I liked that one," Nick said. "It made us look distinguished."

"Nick you wouldn't know distinguished if it hit you in the head," Alex replied and Mallory pointed at Alex.

"I thought we were over this," Mallory said. Ellen leaned over and whispered to her.

"It makes him feel superior," she whispered to her. Mallory giggled at the statement.

"Are we almost done?" Andy asked impatiently.

"Almost," Steven replies, hoping to keep everyone from arguing.

"Now can we just have your kids," the photographer asked. Alex, Mallory, Jennifer, and Andy took a cheesy picture together. She asked if they could do tallest to shortest, but Alex argued. They finally decided not to, much to Alex's content. They took singular pictures, and left the building.

Eventually, the pictures were finished. They bought them and began to put them in a scrapbook. In the process, they looked at the old ones.

"Look Andy," Jennifer said, pointing at the picture. "That's from the day you were born."

"That was by far the best day of your lives," Andy said, and everyone laughed.

"Aye Mr and Mrs Keaton, is that you?" Nick asked, pointing at a picture. They smiled as they saw one of their wedding pictures.

"Yes it is," Elyse said, leaning in to look at the picture.

"Greatest day of my life," Steven said. In unison, all of his kids replied.

"Hey," they all said in offended tones, and Steven and Elyse laughed.

"One of the best days of my life," he corrected.

   "Steven you better watch what you say," Ellen joked. He nodded with wide eyes, playing along.

   "Or I just might be disowned."

   "Yeah you should really watch your back dad," Mallory said. Everyone laughed once again.

   "Look at this picture of Alex in his Halloween costume. What year was that?" Elyse asked, pointing at a picture. Alex leaned over and looked.

   "That was second grade! I was Richard Nixon," he said. Ellen jokingly plugged her son's ears.

   "Alex don't say that name," she said, and he scrunched his nose up.

   "My bad," he replied, leaning back. Ellen shook her head, and leaned into his side comfortably.

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