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   "Should we take Elvis out for a walk?" Alex asked one day. He was sitting on the couch, petting their dog lovingly.

   "Sure!" Ellen exclaimed. They grabbed his leash and connected it to his red collar. Grabbing their jackets and umbrellas, incase it rained, they left the apartment and walked into the cloudy day.

   "Anything interesting happen at work today?" Alex asked Ellen.

   "Some of the dancers from next door were arguing about something. My boss had to ask them to leave," she said.

   "How old were they?" Alex asked.

   "Around fifteen," she said.

   "Teenagers. Am I right," he laughed. Ellen playfully shoved him with the hand that wasn't holding the leash.

   "What do you know about teenagers," she laughed.

   "They're scary," he said.

   "Alex you were a teenager a few years ago," Ellen laughed.

   "That's how I know it," he said. He took the leash from Ellen and wrapped it in his palm securely, taking Ellen's hand with the other. She gave his hand a squeeze.

"Have you heard from your family these past few days?" She asked.

"Yeah, Andy called me at the office this morning. Mom and dad wouldn't let him get a new bike so he needed to know where the stash of money I hid for him was," he said. Ellen laughed.

"You hid a stash of money for him?" She asked.

"Hey hey hey, you never know when you're gonna need an escape from the Keatons," he laughed.

"He really is just like you isn't he," she said. He nodded and turned his head, smiling at her.

"Oh completely. I wish you would have seen him when he first went to kindergarten. Brilliant," he said.

   "I'm sure he would get into political fights with the teacher," she said.

   "I sure did," he replied. Ellen shook her head. It began to rain and they opened the umbrellas, holding them high over their heads as Elvis continued to walk beside them happily. "I hate rain."

   "It isn't so bad," she replied, looking up at the clouds.

   "What makes you say that?" Alex asked.

   "Well, it's clearing the air, and it feels good, and it's watering plants, and I'm with you," she said. Alex looked fondly at her and leaned over to give her a quick peck on the lips.

   "God what did I ever do without you?" He asked her, and Ellen linked their arms together as they walked blissfully down the streets of New York.
   Ellen was working behind the counter of the cafe, when she heard the bell ring. Alex walked in  and smiled at her.

   "Hello sir. What can I get you today?" Ellen asked him politely, as if he was a regular customer.

   "I'm not sure yet. What would you recommend?" He said, just as professional.

   "Well if you like something with caffeine, our cappuccinos are amazing, and if you prefer no caffeine, our smoothies are half priced today," she said, leaning on the counter.

   "The cappuccinos sounds interesting. I'll take one of those," he said, handing her his credit card. She slid it across the machine and he sat on the stool on the counter beside it as she brought him his drink. She sat on the stool next to him and set it down.

"Come here often?" He asked her.

"Oh every once in a while," she replied.

"Good to know," he said back with a wide smile.

"How'd you get away from work?" She asked him.

"Gave me an early lunch. Figured I run over here for a second," he said. "Wanted to see you in a different setting then the apartment."

"Well this is it," she said, standing up and spinning around, then sitting back down as they laughed. "What do you think."

"I think I should come here more," he said, and Ellen smiled.

"I would love that," she said. They talked for about three more minutes before Alex checked his watch and realized he had to leave.

"Alright I will see you back at the apartment," he said, kissing her cheek and standing up.

"See you then," she said, grabbing a wet washcloth and wiping down a table.

"Love you!" He exclaimed, walking out the door, causing the bell to ring.

"Love you too!" She called back.

"You guys are so cute together!" One of her coworkers exclaimed. Ellen blushed a little.

"Thanks," she said, looking down at where she was cleaning.

"How long have you two been together?" The other coworker, and the only other person working asked.

"About six months, but we were college sweethearts," she replied, thinking about the time Alex had tried to become a dancer.

"Awww," they said at the same time. Ellen laughed lightly and quietly.

"That's so sweet," one of the coworkers said. Eventually, they closed down and Ellen went home. Alex was already there boiling pasta for spaghetti.

"Hey," she said. Alex turned around and smiled at her as Elvis ran around her foot. She picked him up and walked over to Alex.

"Hi," he replied, setting a hand on her waist and kissing her.

"Just so you know the others approve of the two of us dating," she said, referring to her coworkers.

"Oh good now we can advance in our relationship," he joked. They both laughed loudly.

"Uh Alex," Ellen said, pointing behind him. He turned around and saw the pasta overflowing.

"Oh shoot!" He exclaimed, picking it up. Ellen laughed and moved out of the way, watching as the man she loved tried to fix his mistake.

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