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   "Are you ready to go?" Alex asked Ellen as they were about to leave the apartment. Alex had a huge company party tonight, and it was crucial for his job that he attend. This could mean the difference between staying where he was, and a promotion. Ellen was wearing a long skirt and a sweater, and Alex was wearing one of his signature suits. Ellen walked over to him and tied his tie for him. They both enjoyed the closeness it brought them.

"Ready," she replied. They connected hands in a familiar clasp, and were on their way. They got there, and found some seats. Alex introduced Ellen to his coworkers.

"This is my fiancé Ellen," he said. They all smiled as they shook her hand.

"Well it's nice to finally meet you. Alex has told us a lot about you," they would say, and Alex would blush. Ellen was slightly embarrassed with the attention, but it was also thrilling. Alex took the time out of his professional life to talk about her? He was always such a straight forward guy. This was Ellen's favorite side of him. The side that he didn't like. The side that wasn't cold and calculating. The side that was focused on love, and not wealth.

   "I would like to thank all of our employees who are here tonight, and all of their dates who are here against their will," the boss said. Everyone laughed and some raised their glasses upwards. "It is an honor to work by the sides of all of these hardworking men and women."

After hours of talking, eating, and drinking, the couple finally left.

"That reminded me of the time we had that double date with Jennifer and the tutor kid," Ellen said. Alex gave a disgusted look.

"He told me that she was going to be the mother of his children," he said, and Ellen laughed loudly.

"Did he really?" She asked. Alex nodded. "It's a miracle you ever helped him."

"Can't be worse then Nick," he replied, and Ellen shook her head at her fiancé's antics and bias towards the boy who had done nothing wrong.

"Nick is not that bad Alex. You're being over dramatic," she laughed.

"My dad agreed with me," he said. Ellen shook her head.

   "Wait until Jennifer gets a serious boyfriend," she said. Alex dramatically cringed.

"I'll kill 'em," he said.

"He doesn't exist yet Alex," she teased. He shook his head.

"Well Andy is gonna be a ladies man," he said. Ellen nodded.

"Oh definitely," she said. They laughed and she leaned her head on his shoulder as they continued their way back home.
   "Hey can you put Andy on the phone?" Alex asked Mallory from his work phone as he called for the youngest Keaton. Soon enough, he heard his younger brother.

   "Hi Alex," Andy said. "What's up?"

   "Hey Andy! I have a question for you," Alex said, spinning around in his chair.

   "Okay," his brother said. Alex stopped spinning.

   "I was wondering if you would be my best man for the wedding. It's a big job, and I figured you were just the man to do it," he encouraged his brother.

   "Really?" Andy asked him.

   "Definitely," Alex replied. Andy agreed, and they said goodbye. Alex then called Ellen at work, twisting the chord in his hand.

   "Hello," one of her coworkers answered.

"Hey can you put Ellen on the phone?" He asked.

"Of course! Ellen! Your man is calling!" She yelled. Ellen laughed lightly.

"Hi Alex," she said.

"Hey beautiful. I just called Andy and he agreed to be my best man," he said.

"That's great! I'm glad you asked him," she said.

"Yeah. But you know, that's what he is. My best man," he shrugged. Ellen smiled.

"Now I just have to ask your sisters to be my bridesmaids," she said. "I'll call them after work."

"And you're sure you wanna ask them? You don't have to do it for me Ellen," Alex said into the receiver.

"Absolutely! They are the closest thing I have to sisters of my own," she said. Alex smiled.

"Okay. Just checking," he said. "Alright I have to go, but I'll see you at home."

"See you then," she said. "Love you!"

"Love you too!" She said. They hung up and Ellen looked back to see her two coworkers watching from where they were taking orders. She laughed and rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "Honestly you two get a life."

"Easy for you to say! We're single," one said.

"And you're engaged," the other sang in a singsong voice. Ellen blushed and looked down, causing her long hair to fall in front of her face. She tucked it back behind her ears, looking back up, slightly embarrassed.

   "Yeah. I like how that sounds," she replied. She thought about it. Engaged.

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