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Strong believer that there needs to be more family ties content on this app and I will read it so... send me your way babes  ❤️
   "Alex guess what," Ellen said when she walked home from work one day, around three and a half weeks before Christmas.

   "You're a republican now," Alex said, focusing on organizing papers on the table.

"Not even close," she said. "The dance studio across the street asked me to help them with their production of the Nutcracker this year."

"Ellen that's great!" He said, matching her enthusiasm. "What do they need help with?"

"Just a little choreography and set design. It's nothing big, but I'll be kinda a consultant," she said, sitting next to him and helping with the papers.

"Well I'm glad they asked you," he said, and she hummed in agreement.

"Do you wanna do something tonight? Maybe a movie or something," she asked.

"Sure," he said. They called a taxi and walked into the movie theatre, seeing what was playing. They picked a movie and walked in, ordering popcorn and sodas. They sat in the theater and watched the movie. When they walked out, Ellen gasped. It was snowing.

"Oh it's so pretty!" She exclaimed, loving the cold weather. Alex put an arm around her.

"Yeah. Come on, let's get a cab. They opened the door to their apartment and were greeted with Elvis jumping in order to look out the window. Ellen walked over and picked him up, showing him the snow filled outdoors. Alex walked behind her and hugged her from behind.

"I love everything about this," she said.

"About what?" He replied.

"About the snow. The setting. The company," she said, turning around so they were face to face. Ellen set the dog down and pulled her arms over Alex's neck. He followed her actions and rested his hands on her waist. They leaned in and met in the middle, the room being lit up by the moon outside.

   Then it was two days before Christmas Eve. Alex and Ellen weren't supposed to arrive until the morning of Christmas Eve, but they decided to surprise them. They stood outside of the house, and Alex had his key in hand. He turned it and they walked into Alex's childhood home.

   "Hey everyone," he said to his family who was sitting in the living area. They all turned around at the sound.

   "Alex!" Andy yelled first. He jumped up and ran towards him, excitement showing.

"Hey buddy," Alex replied, kneeling down in order to catch him in a hug. The family all collectively stood up to hug them and ask what they were doing there early.

"We thought we'd surprise you," Ellen said.

"Well you made it just in time to decorate the tree," Elyse said. The family got boxes of ornaments and tinsel out and began to decorate.

"Hey mom, can you come help me find another box?" Alex asked his mother.

"Sure," she agreed. The two walked into the basement and Alex turned around and grabbed his mom's shoulders.

"Mommy I need your help," he said. Elyse was obviously taken aback, and it showed on her face.

"With what honey?" She asked him curiously. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a box.

"With this," he whispered. Elyse's mouth opened.

"Alex are you proposing to Ellen?" She asked him quietly. He nodded.

"I'm working on it," he said.

"Are you sure? You haven't even been together a year," she said. He nodded.

"Mom I've never been so sure of anything, and I wanted to confide in you. See what you think I should do," he said. Elyse put a hand over her heart.

"Well I'm glad you came to me. What do you want to do? A private proposal?" She asked him.

"I have no idea," he said. Elyse nodded.

   "Okay. We'll brainstorm some ideas," she said with a smile. He hugged her tightly.

   "Thanks mom," he said. They grabbed a box of decorations, and went back upstairs.

   "Alex you okay there!" Mallory asked her brother.

   "Yeah fine. Why do you ask?" He asked, noticeably nervous. Elyse rolled her eyes at her son's incapability to act natural.

"Alex can you help me reach the top?" Andy asked. Alex lifted him up and set him on his shoulders, allowing him to reach the top of the tree. Ellen looked up from where she was untangling a strand of Christmas lights and smiled at Alex. He turned his head and they made eye contact, smiling widely at each other, before they both looked away, blushing slightly. "We should watch Rudolph!"

"I like that idea," Steven said. Andy ran over to Ellen.

"I'm gonna sit next to you," Andy said.

"I would love that," she said, sitting on the couch and patting the seat next to her. Andy sat down, and Alex sat on the other side of him. Jennifer sat next to him and Alex pulled her down so her head was laying in his lap, making her laugh. They watched the movie as a family, and Ellen felt that everything was the way it should be.

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