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"Should we call the number on the paper?" Ellen asked, handing him the paper they had found the other day at the house. Alex thought about it for a moment.

"Let's sleep on it. If we still think this is our best option in the morning, I'll apply for the job," he said, and she agreed. They crawled into the bed and cuddled close, falling soundly asleep. They both woke up the next morning and looked at each other, heads still on their pillows.

   "Still think this is whats best?" He asked her. She nodded.

   "Yeah. Do you?"

   "Yeah," he said. They sat up and moved around slightly. Alex grabbed the newspaper, looking at the number. "Let's go get breakfast." The two walked downstairs and were greeted by their family.

   "Good morning ," Steven said enthusiastically, pouring some cereal into a bowl. Jennifer walked in and Alex realized something.

   "Jenn can I talk to you for a second?" He asked her. She gave him a confused look and nodded. The two walked out of the room and into the living room, sitting on the couch.

   "What's up?" She asked him.

   "So you're gonna be a senior this year," he said, lightly punching her arm. She nodded.

   "Yeah," she said.

   "How would you feel about me taking the job as the economics teacher there?" He asked her. Her eyes widened into a slightly shocked expression.

   "Are you considering it?" She asked, and he nodded. She smiled. "That would be swell!"

   "Really?" He asked her. "That would have mortified you a couple years ago."

   "Yeah but we've missed you. It would be nice if you moved back," she said, and Alex smiled widely.

   "You love me," he said in a teasing way and she rolled her eyes.

   "Yeah, so what," she said, and he side hugged her.

   "Okay," he said. "I wanted to clear it with you."

   "Cool," she replied. "Just don't embarrass me."

"I wouldn't dream of it," he said.

   Alex and Ellen sat on his bed, holding the phone.

   "Should we do it?" Alex asked. Ellen looked at him.

   "Final offer. Is this really what you want? That job is everything you've wanted since you were born," she said. Alex looked at her and leaned over to kiss her.

   "But this life. You, me, and a family. This is what I want now," he said, and Ellen smiled. She thought about how proud she was of Alex. He had grown from the pompous boy she had met, to a caring, loving man.

   "Let's do it," she said with determination. Alex dialed his old school's number, and the principal answered.

   "Hello," he said, and Alex greeted him. "Alex! Wonderful to hear from you? What can I do for you?"

   "I actually have a proposition for you," he said. "I would like to apply for the economics teaching job."

   "Really?" The man asked. "Alex you can have the job, no questions asked. I've never seen anyone understand economics like you do."

   "Are you sure sir? I'm sure there are other candidates."

   "Alex the job is yours," he replied, and Alex gave Ellen a thumbs up and she gave him an excited expression. Alex thanked him and they hung up.

   "Did I just do that?" Alex asked, and Ellen nodded. He smiled. "Time to go buy a house."

"I'll do this one," she said, and he flipped the phone towards her so she could see the keypad. She dialed the number printed on the paper, and a female voice answered.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hello. My name is Ellen Keaton. My husband and I would like to purchase the house you have on your market," she said. They asked her questions, which she answered, and finally hung up the phone. "We have a showing tomorrow. All we have to do it look at the house and decide if we want to buy it!"

   "Great!" Alex exclaimed. Ellen turned around and laid down so she was laying in his lap, staring at the ceiling.

"Are we crazy?" She asked. He looked down at her and kissed her nose.

"Probably," he said. He looked down at her and began to play with her hair. "Think about how you're going to paint the nursery."

"And the stories you'll tell them," Ellen said, staring into his eyes. They both smiled widely and connected their hands, Ellen's head still in his lap.

"You're beautiful," he said.

"And you're handsome," she said.

The next day, the couple walked to the house to see a real estate agent and the people selling the house. They walked in, and looked around. It was one story, had three bedrooms and two bathrooms. It was absolutely perfect. They looked into the backyard to see a large tree and a porch swing. They immediately knew, this was where they wanted to live. They made a deal with the homeowners, and agreed that two weeks was a reasonable amount of time for the current owners to move out. In two weeks, Ellen and Alex could move in. They figured that they would slowly start shipping stuff from New York, and leave permanently in around a month or so. They said goodbye to the Keaton's, and flew back to New York, preparing for their next adventure.

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