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   "What should we do for New Year's Eve next week?" Ellen asked Alex. He looked at her from where he was pouring orange juice into a glass cup.

   "I was wondering if you wanted to go watch the ball drop?" He asked her.

   "Seriously? I figured you would have some sort of company party or something," she said, pleasantly surprised.

   "Well there is, but I'd rather spend it with you and without my coworkers," he replied. Ellen smiled and nodded.

   "I would love to," she said. Alex innerly punched the air.

   "Great!" He said enthusiastically. His plan was in motion.

It was the morning of December 31, Alex was mostly prepared. He had the ring in his pocket, and he would nervously reach in to check that it was there every few minutes.

   "Alex are you alright?" Ellen asked. "You seem on edge."

   "All good here," he said, once again reaching into his pocket. Ellen squinted her eyes at him. What was he up to?

"I'm gonna take Elvis out for a quick walk," she said. "Have a good day at work."

"Can do," he said, leaning in and kissing her over the counter. She left with the dog and Alex did a 360 turn, before grabbing his briefcase and heading out the door.

"You're in a good mood today," one of Alex's coworkers said nonchalantly. Alex nodded and hummed.

"Yes I am," he replied cheerily. The rest of his coworkers looked over from where they were pouring coffee out of the pot.

"Why?" Another one asked. Alex looked back at them. What was the harm in telling them?

"I'm proposing to my girl tonight," he replied. They all ooed and awed. Someone even whistled.

"Hey good luck man," one said, hitting his back.

"Yeah. You got a plan?"

"Yeah I do," Alex replied. They all went back to their individual jobs, and Alex continued anxiously throughout the day, keeping busy by clicking pens and pouring coffee.

   "Hey," Ellen said as she walked into their apartment. "How was work?"

   "Good! Good," Alex said with enthusiasm, then corrected himself, trying to seem less anxious. This boy was helpless when it came to Ellen Reed, and it was very obvious.

   "Whoa there, you wanna show a little more excitement?" Ellen asked with a smile. "What was so great?"

   "Nothing. I'm just excited that I get to start the new year with you," he said, and Ellen blushed.

   "I am too," she said. He kissed her cheek and rushed around the apartment completing odd jobs, such as vacuuming and doing the dishes. Ellen and Elvis sat on the couch watching him. "Now whats got him so riled up this time?" Ellen asked the dog.

   Finally, it was time to go watch the ball drop. They both wore warm coats and found a spot far enough that there were only a few people around them, but close enough to see the ball.

   "This is insane," Ellen said excitedly, looking up. Alex looked up.

   "You have no idea," he replied. Eventually, they began to count down from ten.


   This was what Alex had been waiting to do since the minute he had walked into that dorm room.


   "One!" They both exclaimed. They leaned in for a kiss, and as their eyes were closed and their lips were locked, Alex reached into his pocket. He then took the box out. They separated and Alex took a step backwards and grabbed Ellen's left hand in his own. Ellen gave him a confused look. He smiled widely at her, and got down on one knee, opening the box. Ellen's eyes widened and she put her other hand over her mouth.

"Ellen Reed. I focus on the facts of life. And the fact is, even I, Alex P Keaton, master of everything, was completely and truly helpless when it came to falling in love with you. There are so many things I never would have learned without you in my life. There is nobody else I would have gone to dance recitals or women's rights protests with. You are my destiny. Ellen Reed. Will you marry me?"

   Ellen lifted her hand from her face and nodded enthusiastically, smiling widely. Alex stood up and kissed her passionately. They separated and Alex slid the ring onto Ellen's finger.

   "Happy new year," she said. Alex laughed.

   "Happy new year," he said. They hugged and she tucked her head into his shoulder, crying silently. "What's wrong?"

   "I just love you so much," she said, separating her head from his shoulder so she could make eye contact with. "There's nobody else in the world who I would want to spend the rest of my life with."

   "I know the feeling," he replied, tucking her hair behind her ear and holding his hand out for her to grab. "Come on, let's go home."

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