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   After Ellen's five days were over, the two said goodbye.

   "It was great getting to see you again," Ellen said.

   "You too," he replied. They looked at each other and hugged tightly.

   "Well, I should probably get a cab. I don't want to miss my flight," she said. She whistled and a cab pulled up next to them. Alex helped her load her bags into the trunk.

"Well," he said, holding his neck. "I guess this is goodbye."

"Yeah," she said. She leaned over and kissed his cheek then sat down in the car.

"You have my number?"

"Yep," she said. They waved at each other as the taxi drove off. Alex stood staring in the direction she had gone.

"What the hell am I doing?" He asked himself. He called a taxi and hopped in.

"Where ya goin?" The driver asked as Alex got buckled.

"The airport," he replied. The driver pulled the car out and they began to drive. Alex nervously bounced his legs up and down. What was he doing? He honestly didn't know. But he knew he had to do it. Suddenly, the car came to a slow stop. Alex looked outside and saw traffic.

'Oh no,' he thought. He leaned back into his seat and covered his face with his hands, aggravated. The car eventually started moving again, but he was worried that it was too late. When he got to the airport, he quickly paid the price of the taxi and ran in. He tried to get past the front desk, but was stopped.

"Sir. Sir you can't go in there without a ticket," an employee said.

"It's okay. I have to find a girl," Alex said.

"Don't we all," the man said. "You need a ticket."

"Fine. Fine just whatever's cheapest," Alex said, pulling out his wallet. He looked around and began to run to the boarding stations, looking around, he didn't see her at first. He turned around and saw Ellen walking in a line ready to board. "Ellen!"

   She turned around and saw Alex. They ran towards each other and he caught her in a hug, causing the two to spin around slightly.

   "Listen Ellen we've done this before and I let you go, but this time it's just us. No school. No scholarships. Just us and New York. Please stay," he said, and Ellen gave him a big smile.

   "Alex you know what I told myself? I told myself that if I got to the airport, and you came, I would stay," she said, and Alex thought back to that night at the train station. They separated at arms length and Alex set a hand on Ellen's cheek, rubbing his thumb against her skin.

   "Can I kiss you?" He asked. Instead of an answer, Ellen pulled him into a deep kiss in the middle of a busy airport. Time stood still for a moment.

   "I guess that's a yes," Alex joked as they separated. Ellen smiled and looked down, closing her eyes.

   "Come on. Let's go home," she said, holding out her hand for him to take. "I've been wanting to do that all week."

   "So have I," he said. They walked out of the airport hand in hand, just like it was supposed to be.
   "Okay so what now?" Ellen asked as they sat on the couch, his arm around her shoulder pulling her into his body.

   "What do you mean?" He asked her. She looked up from where she was leaning.

   "Well, should we call your family?" She asked. Alex's eyes lit up.

   "I forgot to tell them you were here," he said with a guilty smile.

   "How did you forget to mention that?" She asked.

   "I thought you were leaving," he shrugged. He set the phone on the coffee table in front of him and dialed the number, taking the receiver from the holder and wrapping the chord around his hand out of habit.

   "Hello?" The voice of Jennifer said from across the phone. Alex held the phone in between himself and Ellen.

   "Hey Jenn," Alex said.

   "Alex! What's going on?" Jennifer asked.

   "Hey Jennifer I need a favor," he said.

   "Sure, what's up?" She said.

   "Can you tell the rest of the family something for me," he said.

   "Yeah what is it?" She asked, kissing patience.

   "Tell them, Ellen is back," he said, looking at Ellen and smiling excitedly.

   "Huh?" Jennifer asked, confused.

   "Hi Jennifer," Ellen said, and Jennifer squealed.

   "No way!" She exclaimed. "When did this happen?"

   "It's all pretty recent Jenn. Okay we're gonna go but make sure they all find out okay. I'm giving you permission to run your mouth," Alex said.

   "Okay okay I'm going. Bye guys!" She said. They hung up and Ellen giggled.

   "That was exciting," Ellen said.

   Meanwhile, in the Keaton house, Jennifer ran into the living space.

   "Mom! Dad!" She exclaimed. She walked in and saw Elyse working on blueprints, and Steven helping Andy with his homework.

   "Yes Jennifer?" Elyse asked curiously, looking up from her work.

   "You are never going to believe who Alex is with," Jennifer said.

   "Who could he possibly be with?" Steven asked. Jennifer crossed her arms and popped her leg.

   "You're never gonna believe it," she said in a singsong voice.

   "Just tell us," Elyse said. Jennifer performed a drumroll on her legs.

   "Alex is with Ellen," she said. The adults looked at her.

   "No way!" Elyse exclaimed.

   "You're kidding," Steven said.

   "Who's Ellen?" Andy said. Jennifer looked at him.

   "Ellen was Alex's girlfriend before Lauren," she said.

   "Oh," he said, not interested in the topic.

   "What did you just say?" Mallory exclaimed, running from the top of the staircase.

   "Oh you heard correctly," she said.

   "I'm gonna call him!" Elyse exclaimed, rushing from the couch.

   "Me too!"

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