Calcifer would be a great stalker

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Unknown POV.

I am alone. there is nothing here, nothing but black. I reach out to grab something, anything, but I can't tell if my arm is moving. Do I even still have arms? I could be walking, I could be sitting. I can't tell. I don't feel, smell, or taste. I can see, and I can't hear. Where am I? I don't know. What's my name? Do I have a name? Am I dead? If I'm dead, this must be hell.... Nothing but forever emptiness. I'm not sad though. I can't feel emotions anymore. I can't feel anything. I'm just floating in nothingness. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing......


Angels POV.

"Yawn!" That was the first time I had slept soundly. I saw Claire and rocky putting things into boxes. I just sat in my blanket huddle. It was cold, and I was still wearing the 'kimono'. I saw some clothes layer out next to me. I was to wear them? I didn't know how to put them on. Yuki came over and held out her hand for me. She helped me stand up, and motioned for me to follow her to the back room. She closed the door.

Looking irritated, she kicked the closet door. "Come on out, jerk face!" Calcifer came out. He was solid. "You know him? Otherwise I might have to cut off his stupid blue head..." She said.

"Calcifer, why are you solid? Aren't you a ghost?" I asked him. Yuki face palmed.

"Ya, that's the thing.... I think I am dead, a ghost. But I was experimented on, when I was alive. I had to wear rags like you did to, Angel, Yuki. I got shots every day. Uuhhgg..." He shuddered. "Well, it seems that I can only be in 'alive form' for about 2hours a day, and if I'm already over the limit, when I am strongly effected emotionally." He laughed nervously.

I looked at them both. Yuki was pretty pissed. I wondered why. Then I saw Calcifer had a reddish hand shaped bruise on his face. Did Yuki slap him?

"This little creep was standing over me while I was sleeping!" She said.

"I wasn't watching you!! I was watching angel!" He protested furiously.

She looked at him like he was a cockroach "and THAT makes it better?! That's WORSE if anything, you freaking stalker! I shudder to think what you would have done to her if I didn't woop your but first!!" She shuddered.

"What! No!" Calcifer yelled shocked. "How could you think that! That's sick!! He gaged.

I looked at them confused "what do you mean?"

They both turned to look at me, then they turned around and whispered to each other "is she serious?" "I think so..." "Well, she was locked in the facility for like ever" "hhmm... Ya..." They turned back to me. "Nothing angel!" They chimed together. "You're to young to know sweetie!" Yuki said, patting me on the head.

"Well you can see me when I'm a ghost, right?" Calcifer said to Yuki.

"No duh..." Yuki said to him. Calcifer started to go transparent again.

"Aw dangit! I like being solid!" He said.

"Now get out pervert! I'm gonna help Angel change!" Yuki told Calcifer.

"Whatever...." He said effortlessly, phasing through the door.

Yuki explained to me how to dress in pants. Its almost winter, she would say, its cold outside. Claire and rocky had us gather in a group and took a picture. I had done a really good smile, and you could almost see Calcifer in the trees behind us. Claire and rocky were returning to their new home, witch happened to be in new York. Having no idea what new York was, Yuki decided we were going with them. I decided I hate cars. The drive was soooo long. It was very cramped, and we had to wear these fabric straps called seat belts. I fell asleep many times, waking up to either Calcifer or Yuki staring in my face. It would have been better if the car didn't have a roof. Then we could feel the wind, like when I was flying. When we got to this new York, I realized just how big the outside world was. Everything was huge, and there was a giant green lady on an island. I wondered if she could tell me if there were any more winged creatures. She was so high up, she mist have seen something.

"Can we go to see the giant green lady later?" I asked Yuki.

"Oh sure ask her, I'm just the background character!" Calcifer said.

I looked at him "do you want to come to, Calcifer?"

He smiled. "No duh! Of course! Should we ditch the grownups?" He asked.

Yuki joined in "It'd be better if we told them we were going, so they don't look for us." She paused "frankly, I would rather not have my face with the caption 'missing' posted all over town.

When the car finally stopped, Yuki was first out "I am never getting in a car again......" She waited for us to join her.

"Well, if you want, you can stay with us for a little longer an-" Claire started.

"No, that's fine! You can go back to your normal lives. Our parents live near here, we know the way home! Thank you so much Claire! Rocky!" Yuki grabbed my hand and started running off.

Shocked, I turned and waved at Claire, giving her my best smile. I thought I saw a tear run down her eye. At least she has that picture.......

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