chapter 4

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Jimin's pov:-

While watching cctv footages.. my eyes captured taeguk stoppe this here guys taeguk is here we caught him but where is he going...oh jimin why he is crying and why he is going outside of the main gate tae said tears were foaming from his's ok tae we will find him I promise you...i m very surprised what were guards doing at that time why they didn't stop him why they let him go outside...suga angrily said...Jimin he went out side please do something what I do if someone kidnaps him or dangerous animals attacke on him or or fast car hits him oh my God how can I leave without him...shat up tae don't lose your mind we have to find him he leaved at 1:30 pm and now it's 2:5 pm its mean he is not very far away from this mansion we can easily find him...yeah tae jimin is right my guards are also searching him I m going to inform police they will easily find him don't worry everything will be all right
Jungkook's pov:-

Ring ring...yes dad..jungkook have you lost your mind why you cancelled that deal ?have you asked me before doing that? listen I m running this bloody company since I was just 19 years old I know very well what is beneficial for our company...since debut I did all that you told me to do but now it's my turn now let me live my life according to my choice and let me live the way I want you already messed my life but not any more have you listened what I said yeah mind your own business...what he thinks about me... i am seem like his  robotic toy  he plays  with me the way he wants my emotions and feelings don't's ok sir be relex tension is not good for you have you forgotten what Dr suggested you yesterday...I know I don't wanna take tension but this world doesn't let me take breath in fresh air...while talking suddenly driver stopped the car...what happened...sir there is a little boy standing...what do you mean by this ?let me check him my self

what do you mean by this ?let me check him my self

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