2nd last chapter

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Taehyung:-he is dying just because of me...why I said those harsh words to him

Driver:-NO it wasn't your fult it must be end here it happened because he has not more capacity to tolerate that pressure all alone...he needs you he needs his son around...he needs complete happy family...he became tired living robotic life...you are one of most important part of his life...so  his life totally depend on you...don't waste your time on blaming your self...go to grab his hand before losing it forever

Tahyung:-we came back inside of hospital where little one was already waiting for us..

Taeguk:-what happened to daddy?why he is not coming from that room?

Taehyung:-because he is not feeling well...he will be ok just pry for him

Taeguk:-he became sick just because I missed behave with him...I said to him that he is very bad and I don't wanna talk him anymore

Taehyung:-you missed behave with him...taeguk have you forgotten all your manners and ethics which I taught you...that's how I grew up you...how you forgot that he is your father he is the one who took care of you when I was not around and he loves you

Taeguk:-i m sorry mommy...I also love him after fighting with him I missed him so much...please don't be mad at me I will be good boy I will not dare to miss behave with him ever please for give me and please say him to be fine

Taehyung:-please kookie be fine...we need you...if this time you dare to go far away from us...I swear I will not forgive you...I already spent 4 long years without you...I can't afford to lose you again...please comeback to me please kookie I m begging...I said in my heart

Dr:-yes Mr Kim now he is out of danger but he is not completely stable...in few hourse he will come back in sences so please make sure don't put any stress on him don't dare to say something which cause mental pressure...now he is more sensitive and frightened he can't afford any kind of shocked so please deal with him carefully

Taehyung:-thank you so much Dr thank you very much...I will not let him take any stress I promise you

Time skip:-

Taehyung:-after passing long 5 hourse finally he come in conscious...Dr shifted him in special room machines were still connected with him...when I entered room suddenly he looked towords me...there was no any expression on his face...without blinking eyes he was continually looking at me he wanted to say something me but he was not able to pronounce even a single word...I came near to him and sat beside him on stool...

How are you doing kookie?while inquiring I brushed in his hair...and pasted a kiss on his forehead,then eyes,cheeks and then I  passionately kissed on his lips even though he had not enough energy to respond in the same way but he responded...we continue until we were barely taking breath...this was a very first kiss of our as lover...it was full of love emotions

After breaking kiss...tears were foaming from his eyes...my eyes also became full of water but I controlled my tears from dropping and wiped kookie tears...

Heshhh...no more tears...i got to know everything regarding your past...so don't say any thing...we must over that harsh past and move in our new life...we already suffer a lot but not any more...kookie I m so sorry I doubted on your love...but situations were imposing that doubt on me...I must believe on you...why I didn't ...any way...be fine soon and don't you dare to leave us again...now I m tired living alone I want you next to me to comfort me... i cant face this world all alone I need your touch your existence kookie...our son needs you he is very little I can't teach him all things alone... he has right to live a happy healthy life as like others kids do it's his basic right to live with his parents ...to loved by both of them so please be ok...i love you so much and I will love you till my last breath

i love you so much and I will love you till my last breath

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