chapter 17

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Taeguk:-helow mommy how are you?why you didn't come with kookie uncle?he told me that you meet him yesterday...

Taehyung:-mommy is doing well what about my little bunny ? (I ignored his question that why I didn't come with his father )

Taeguk:-I m also fine...I miss you so much mommy...I really miss you please come back soon

Taehyung:-I miss you too...are you taking proper rest and what about your food?

Taguk:-yes mommy I m taking proper rest...I m doing all ruten things which you taught...uncle kookie is helping me...cook is making delicious dishes for us...but I m badely missing your hands taste

Taehyung:-I m sure you are eating sugar free food

Taeguk:-yes mommy each and every thing here is suger free mommy do you know uncle kookie has also allergy from suger

Taehyung:-as like father as like son...I mumbled...are you happy with uncle ?

Taeguk:-yeah I m very happy with him he is taking care of me he plays games with me he feeds me with his hands but still I miss you I love you so much mommy

Taehyung:-i love you too my love...promise me that you will be good boy of mommy and don't creat trouble for uncle...

Taeguk:-I promise mommy I will be your good boy I will not make you embarrass in front of uncle kookie

Taehyung:-ok my love its your sleeping time so go to get rest...take care your self and uncle as well ok bye muhhh

Taeguk:- bye

Jungkook:- after watching him happy i got relief... now happy

Taeguk:-yeah very happy

Jungkook:-so what was mommy saying

Taeguk:-he said that I must be good boy of mommy he also said to me that i should
take care of my self and your as well


Taeguk:- yeah...uncle please lets go to bed i m very sleepy

Taehyung:- after listing his voice I started crying

Jimin:-do you still think that you can leave without him

Taehyung:-I can't provide him luxurious life..even though I m not capable to provide his basic needs he is very happy with his father he will forget me very soon

Jimin:-he needs mom's love not luxurious life for God sake he is only 4 years why can't you both understand it

Taehyung:-I understand very well but for his betterment I have to leave him

Jimin:-you will die without him

Taehyung:-can't you see I m already dead from inside

Jungkook:-as usually he was sleeping on my chest and I was asleep... at the midnight suddenly little awake and started crying loudly...he was about to run when I hold him tightly in my embrace...what happen my love...he was continually crying...
Taeguk:-please stop mommy...don't go...don't leave me I love you I can't leave without you please don't go I promise I will be your goodboy I will take breakfast without any complain please don't...
Jungkook:-sheshhh it's ok my was just nightmare...mommy is not going anywhere he will be here with you very soon

Taeguk:-uncle please bring mommy here please don't let him go far away from me please uncle

Jungkook:-ok ok baby tomorrow we will call him and ask him to visit us


Jungkook:-yeah I promise  you my love now be easy... and try to sleep ...i was fingering in his hair to comfort him  slowly slowly he was closing his eyes but he was still heart was aching to seeing him like that

Jungkook:-finally horrible night has been passed...he was still asleep...I didn't awake him

Time skip :-

Jungkook:-I was busy in office I didn't want to come

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Jungkook:-I was busy in office I didn't want to come...but some urgent work came so I came to handle it...durring meeting I received call of my cook


Cook:-sir please come taeguk has a high fever...

Jungkook:-after hearing his words I run fast towords my car...when I reached home along with my driver...I saw my lifeline in unconscious state...he was calling his mom

Jungkook:- have you called Doctor ...I shouted at cook i lost my mind after watching condition of my baby

Driver:-he needs his mother rather than Doctor idiot...

you idiot

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