chapter 15

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Flash back:-

I was busy in my  study when dad came in my room
Jungkook:-yes dad is there something you wanna say to me?
Father:-yes I came here to inform you that i arranged your marriage with Mr Kim son

Jungkook:-what do you mean by this?
Father:-I think I said everything in very clear words
Jungkook:-no dad how can I get merry now I m only 19 and I m still a student..
Father:-have I asked about your are going to get merry him that's my full and finale decision

Father:-no more buts...and don't you dare to go against my decision if you do just keep in your mind that how dangerous I would be ready for your marriage...after finalizing date I will inform you

Jungkook:-instead of obeying him I didn't have an other choice...after death of my mom got married with him just for the sake of providing me shelter and basic needs...he made our life hell...while saving me from my step dad my mom got major injuries and due to head injuries she went to the comma she was taking  artificial breath...for her treatment huge amount of money was student  even I wasn't able to buy  two time mine food..he knew that i didn't have any other shelter and money so he decided to treat me as his slave..i had to follow him whatever he demanded...arranging merry with Mr kim son was also one of part of his planning... at that Mr kim was considered as one of successful business my stepfather wanted to overtake his business for this purpose he miss used me he arranged my marriage with Mr kim son without informing me

Finally that day came when I was going to accept  kim taehyung as my life partner before marriage  I didn't even meet him at once... I didn't know anything about him when he entered marriage hall along with his father he was around 16 to 17 years old he was very young and innocent at the same time... he even didn't know how to face world...I mesmerized with his beauty how can someone be that gorgeous..I was watching him without blinking my eyes... but according to plan i had to rude behave with him...after passing few months I became very close to him he had magnetic personality which was pulling people towards him...when my stepfather noticed that i m falling for tae...he started threatening me that if I dared to keep feeling in my heart for tae he will kill him...I got scared because he had power money through which he could do what he wanted...he was monetring us through secret cameras...

Each and everything was well planned already I had to follow his by day my behaviour becoming worst...Mr kim lost his life after knowing his dearest son condition...after death of Mr kim it was an easy for him to overtake kim's property...for this purpose he used me without any question tae transformed his property to me in the hope of that might I change my behaviour towords him because he was truly in love with his cruel husband...after transforming property my stepfather insisted me for physical abusing...and as his slave I obeyed him and did what he wanted me to do...after this step tae got deadly hurt...his last step was throwing tae out of mansion...because he knew after facing that much humiliation he will not dare to take any legal step for getting back his own property

I can't forget that moment when he was crying like a kid to come back inside of the mansion without any mitake he was begging for sorry two complete days he Waited at the gate of the mansion in hope I will show marcy on him and let him come back inside of thr mansion...but I wasn't supposed to do heart was crying...when he went from that place I got relief because his condition was unbearable for me...from that day my heart became dead...i didn't let anyone to touch tae things whenever i was missing him for getting releif I was touching his stuffs i was tightly hugging his shirts to feel his existence

i didn't let anyone to touch tae things whenever i was missing him for getting releif I was touching his stuffs i was tightly hugging his shirts to feel his existence

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