chapter 14

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Driver:-sir did he accept your offer
Jungkook:- offer my foot for keeping my own son i don't need someone permission
Driver:-your son?
Jungkook:-yeah my son he is mine and taehyung son..we both created him I m his biological father
Driver:-really that's why you were behaving weird
Jungkook:-how I was stupid at that time taeguk was continually giving me hints..I was not recognizing him his  facial features,habits,nature even though his attachment with me each and everything was indicating him as my son but I was...anyway now he is with me so I don't care

Driver:-don't tell me you are planning to keep him along with you
Jungkook:-of course I m already planned

Driver:-don't you think it's kind of selfishness

Jungkook:-and what about tae...he kept secret his pregnancy, my kid birth even I was not aware  of his little existence...I didn't experience anythingregarding him...just because of him

Driver:-what you did with him after all that do you really deserve to be informed about taeguk ..

Jungkook:-I know what i  did was wrong but what he did with me and my son is it right?

Driver:-you did were mentally and physically turturing him...shouting, violence  became part of your daily life,even  you physically abused him..he lost his father just because of your family...  you didn't hesitate to takeover his property he was tolerating all that just because he was only 17 years old ...he was helpless...after taking over his company you threw him out from your home...he was begging you to let him come inside of home but you didn't Marcy on him...he was begging just because he wanted to live with you he was deeply in love with you...

Jungkook:- jean's words were cutting my heart into thousand pieces losing control on my self I busted...don't you know why I did all that...I shouted at him...I did it just because of his long life just because of keeping him alive just because of protecting him from my dad I didn't wanna lose him as like I lost my mom... after losing my beloved mother i couldn't afford to lose him because i loved him depth of my heart while confessing all this my body was shivering and tears were foaming from my eyes

Driver:-I know each and everything but taehyung doesn't know... that he  was not the only one who went through suffered more than him difference was that he could express his emotion freely but you couldn't and I m the witness of all that

you suffered more than him difference was that he could express his emotion freely but you couldn't and I m the witness of all that

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