last chapter

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Taehyung:-after spending two weeks in hospital finally we returned back home...after nervous break down he became silent i tried my best to made him speak up...but everything was useless

Jungkook:-what I did with him after all that he was still very nice to me he looked after me...he became more loving and caring which made me even more guilty and ashmed in front of him... now I was hating myself more...I had nothing to say except of word sorry

Taeguk:-daddy please come play with me I am feeling bore...

Taehyung:-no my love daddy still can't play with you he is not fully recovered yet

after making him understand...I was about to leave...when suddenly two strong arms held my waist tightly...I could hear his breathing on my shoulder...I was very happy at least he responded because his silent mood were killing many things I wanna discuss with him...I was dying to listen his bossy I missed my old kookie...

after controlling my emotions..finally I turned back to him and pasted his hands again on my waist...tears were foaming from his doe eyes like river...very hardly he uttered one word that was sorry...I hugged him tightly... and calmed him while comforting him we started to kissing each other patiently thanks to God  taeguk was not around...because we ended up on bed...

Jungkook:-after throwing us on the bed I message Jean for taking care of taeguk and make him busy with playing games...he got what I was trying to say so he did what I said...after 3 hour he came back home and started searching us here and there....when he didn't found us he came towords our master bedroom where his parents were busy in loving each other

Taeguk:-I knocked at the door...mommy daddy are you there?

Taehyung:-oh kookie let me go outside what he will think if he finds us in this position...i started pulling my shirt which was laying on the floor near to bed...he stopped me by saying

Kookie:-don't you dare to go anywhere let me handle him...tae stopped me...kookie please at least wear your shirt...oh shit I forgot that i was shirtless...after covering my body I went outside...yes my love is there something which is bothering you..?
Taeguk:-daddy where is mommy?
Jungkook:-mommy went to grocery shopping
Taeguk:-ok then I must spend time with you let me come inside
Jungkook:-no baby you can't cook uncle was asking about you may be he has some important thing to discuss with you
Taeguk:-but daddy?
Jungkook:-no more but my's very bad thing we must obey our elders don't we?...finally he agreed and went to the servant cottage...and we  continued where we left...after spending one more hour tae...stopped me by saying
Taehyung:-baby please stop here we already had 4 rounds...please sphere on me I can't even move...
Jungkook:-ok my love as you say...but we will continue it at the night i explained while smirking...
taeguk returned back and we both were sorry for little one because we joked around  him And made him fool for the sake of our aesthetic pleasure

Time skip:-

5 months later:-

Dr:-congratulations Mr Kim you are pregnant of 2 months...

Taehyng:-although it was my 2nd pregnancy but this time feelings were totally different from previous one because this time I had my husband my kookie was beside of me who was more happy than me...from  revealing pregnancy news to,gender revealing,and first kick of baby we experienced each and every step of my pregnancy the time of  delivery he was more scared than me while giving birth to our 2nd baby boy I asked Dr to let kookie stay with me...i held his hands tightly...while he was busy in brushing his fingers in my hair to comforting me

When we returned back home holding little brother of taeguk...everyone was happy and well come us except of taeguk...yeah he was jeoules with his little brother because he knows that now little one becomes the main centre  of our love and attention...but with the passage of time he started to accept his existence and loving him

Jungkook pov:-
I transferred tae's property back to him...he denyed at first...but I forcefully made him agree to take back his legal property ...although I was taking care whole business affairs but he was real owner of his father's company...

Time skip:-
Taehyung:-after having dinner kookie helped taeguk to get sleep...while I was busy in breas*feedin* to little one suddenly kookie mobile was shaking because it was on silent mood...I called kookie...he came and received the call
Jungkook:-helow ... who is there?
Police officer:- I m calling from police station...we have very bad news for you
Jungkook:-what's that?
Police officer:-your father lost his life in dangerous car an accident please come and collect his dead body from police station
Jungkook :-I am very sorry officer but I don't know him...i cut the call
Taehyung:-what happened honey?
Jungkook:-while narrating what happened to my step dad...I laid down on taehyung lape...
Taehyung:-that's why famous lines "do good have good" had now there were no one who can disturb our happy life...kookie was busy in his office works meanwhile I became busy in look after  kids and house

kookie was busy in his office works meanwhile I became busy in look after  kids and house

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