chapter 8

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Taehyung:-when I opened my eyes I found suga beside of my bed...I asked him
Where is my taeguk did you find him?
Suga:-yeah we found him he is alright he is at home with jimin we didn't bring him with us because he gets sad seeing you laying on hospital bed
Taehyung:-please don't conceal something to me be honest with me
Suga:yes tae I m not concealing anything he is all right despite of worrying about him concentrate on your health
Taehyung:-how can I concetrant on my health when initial part of my life is for away from me please suga bring him to me I wanna see him after seeing him in front of my eyes I automatically get recover
Suga:-ok don't stress your self I will ask jimin to bring taeguk here now happy
Taehyung:-hmmm thanks
Suga:- ring ring jiminsha did you find him?
Jimin:-we didn't
Suga:-tae is continually asking about taeguk he wants to meet him he is insisting me to bring him in hospital
Jimin:-please handle him very carefully don't let him to know that taguk is not with us
Suga:-hmmm I will try

Jungkook:-after comforting him i ordered cook to make sugar free breakfast for both of us while  brushing in his hair I asked him
Taeguk tell me something about your mom

Taeguk:-my mommy is very loving and caring person he cooks delusion food for me he loves to playing game with me he is pretending that he don't care about daddy  and he hates him but whenever I ask him anything about daddy he gets sad and changes the topic at the midnight i always catch him crying for daddy I wanna swipe his tears but I can't because i don't wanna embarrass him although I m not enough old to understand people but I can read and understand him very well because he can't conceal anything from me

Jungkook:-while telling me about his mommy he got sad my purpose was not making him sad I was just asking about his profession I wanna know about his profession just because I can figure out how much money will be require to buy him...I know i m sound greedy but except of this there is no any other option

Cook:-sir breakfast is ready
Jungkook:-ok we are coming...let's go baby boy

Taeguk:- you promised me after having breakfast we will meet mommy
Jungkook:-yeah we will...I m so sorry little Angel I m not going  to return back you to your mommy

Taeguk:-we finished lets go to uncle
Jungkook:-oh I forgot to tell you that i called police station they said when they find your mommy they will inform us and bring him to us

Taeguk:-really uncle
Jungkook:-yeah my love its really they will bring him to us very you wanna play some game
Taeguk:-yeah sure...
Jungkook:-oh this Is forth time I lost it I don't wanna play it again I seem look like loser in front of you
Taeguk:-ok last time please
Jungkook:-ok last means last...
Taeguk:-hmmm....uncle I m sleepy I wanna take rest
Jungkook:-ok go to sleep on my fluffy bed
Taeguk:-no uncle I wanna sleep on your  chest
Jugkook:- you are used to laying on your mommy chest but I m not your mommy
Taeguk:-no uncle you are chest and embrace  is warm and comfort as like my mommy when you are holding me in your embrace and laying me on your chest it's like mommy is holding me
Jungkook:-that's why I don't wanna let you go back

Driver:-when I enter in master bedroom to inform sir that i informed police station about taeguk...but I became wonder after watching their bounding...last night when we was picking up taeguk...sir was not even ready to sit with him but now he is peacefully sleeping with him...I was expecting this from him even cook was telling me sir feed him breakfast with his own hands...look how happy he is with him i don't how he will react when little one go back to his home why happiness are very limited in his life?when he will get his happiness?..this baby must be lucky because he is receiving so much love and care from sir...I m 100% sure that in the future you become world best father

Jimin:-how are you doing tae
Taehyung:-I m doing well what about taeguk has he eaten?
Taehyung:-yeah i feed him...he is doing well now he is with suga because he wanted to bay toys...
Taehyung:- did he tell you where he was last night ?
Jimin:-no I didn't ask him I thought it make him sad that's why
Taehyung:-yeah please don't make him sad again I will ask him by myself... when i go back to  home  i will make delisious food for him and feed him with my own hands I  really don't know if he took proper rest and ate something properly as you know he is very noicy kid instead of me no one can handle him

 when i go back to  home  i will make delisious food for him and feed him with my own hands I  really don't know if he took proper rest and ate something properly as you know he is very noicy kid instead of me no one can handle him

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