chapter 11

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Jungkook:-so Mr Kim taehyung prepare your self for my next move...because you are going to experience the same pain and fear of losing beloved...through which I went from last 2 days now it's your turn to live with out taeguk

Taehyung:-you must joking?
Jungkook:-that's what you you really think you even deserve to being part of my joke
Taehyung:-how can you do this to me he is only my son I grew him, from first step to first word I taught him everything  I carried him 9months in my bump I felt his tiny existence inside me whenever he was sick I suffered more than him when he gets hurt he always needs my shoulder and my lape to overcome his pain...whenever he feels happy and satisfy he always shows his bunny smile to me and when I get notice that smile spreed on all over his face... how many nights i spent restless just to comforting him after facing humiliation almost every day in office i am still doing work there because to full filament of his little desires i dedicated my 5 years of life to him and many more you  even know what he likes when he feels happy what makes him you don't know after spending two days of your life with him you are imposing your so called father rights on me  Mr jeon jungkook this time don't you even dare to mess with my life

Jungkook:-just because you kept his existence secret from me...for this sin I will not forgive have to pay what you did I hate you I hate you so much

Taehyung:-for your kind information Mr jeon jungkook love is also not here for you...I hate you more than you do...

Jungkook:-whatever you fuckin* tae I am challenging you utilize all your authorities and power to get him back from me

Taehyung:-no kookie you can't do this to me he is only 4years old he needs me he can't live without me please don't...while saying this I cried and kneel down in front of him because I was already aware of his heartless and selfish nature I spent two year of my life with him when he decides to hate someone he can cross all limits to destroy him...

while saying this I cried and kneel down in front of him because I was already aware of his heartless and selfish nature I spent two year of my life with him when he decides to hate someone he can cross all limits to destroy him

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Jungkook:-wipe your tears because your so called tears can't melt my will not be able to watch taeguk again do what ever you wanna sad feeling pity on you

Taehyung:-please kookie don't separate him from me I can't live with out him please don't I m sorry for everything I m begging you he is the only I have don't snatch him away from me please kookie

Taehyung:-please kookie don't separate him from me I can't live with out him please don't I m sorry for everything I m begging you he is the only I have don't snatch him away from me please kookie

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