chapter 6

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Jimin pov:-
Dr how is tae?..yeah he is fine but he needs to take proper can he be fine after losing his little world...yeah more than 5 hours has been passed but we couldn't reach to taeguk everyone is busy to finding him we already informed near police station...yet there is no any progress...I don't know when tae will awake from his unconscious how I face him what I will reply him when he will inquire about his son...oh God please help us

Jungkook pov:-

Finally we reach at home but little one is still laying on my shoulder...I don't want to disturb him that's why very carefully I bring him in my master bedroom I try to laydown him on my fluffy bed but once again he starts to whining...hye what's happen its ok I m with you don't be afraid...he says except of my mommy chest I can't sleep anywhere else...from where I can bring your mom...he starts sobbing..hye please stop crying I m trying to laying you on my chest... without changing my office suit i lay on bed and he sleeps on my chest it is a little bit annoying but after some moments it changes into comfort...In few hours I become so attach to him I don't know what kind of magnet he has which is continually pulling me towards him...night has been passed sleeping in same position he is calmly sleeping on my chest and I m still holding him in my embrace...I awake when alarm starts ringing I try my heand to reach stop alarm which is very near to my bed...but my moments awake little one now he is fully awake and watching me with his doe eyes...I interrupt him by saying what's happen is there something you find on my face...innocently he answers no there is nothing on your face i m wondering how i slept on your chest i m only addicted sleep on my mommy chest but I didn't feel for even a second that my mommy was not near to me your embrace is very warm like mommy...while explaining this he starts to crying...I miss mommy I love him so much...oh baby boy please don't cry we will find your mommy I promise to you we will find your mommy very soon...but there is a condition...what is that condition uncle? Condition is this if you prove your self a good boy..I m a good boy of my mommy...ok then be a good boy of uncle as well for this purpose you have to be fresh...and eat breakfast with me after having breakfast we will go to your mommy...really uncle.?yeah it's really..but uncle I don't have's ok I will bring it for you...

Driver's pov:-

Ring ring...yes sir...I need clothes and shoes for little one...yes sir I will shop I need them now...and breakfast and eating things for babies as well... as you know already that i don't have any knowledge regarding them so bring all the things immediately...ok sir I m going now...what's wrong with him a very first time I m seeing him like this its annoying but cute at the same time...when I enter mansion along with shopping bags..I stop there for a while just because of watching beautiful scene in front of mine eyes...little one giggling is making this mansion which builds with love and care...after such a long time i find my master happy this time he was happy from internally...a very first time I m seeing his loving and caring side...someone says very true that children are Angeles and God gift...I don't want to break that beautiful moment but I have to because it's already late we have to inform police because his mom is going through so I enter room where they both are playing games...hunnn excuse me sir I brought all things you ordered...yeah thanks jean...mention not...sir cook is making breakfast so be ready...ok we will be there in 15 minutes

Taeguk pov:-

Uncle is very good he takes care of me as like mommy does...when I go back to mommy I will miss him I will ask mommy if he allow me to meet him again...when he is  around me I feel secure and comfort and proud as makes me feel as like my father is near to me because whenever my friend jacks father is with him he also feels proud ,secure and comfort he told me if my father will be that close to me do I feel in the same way...oh God along with mommy I m also missing my boy have you finished uncle I didn't start yet because my mommy was helping me to take bath and dressing...such a noicy boy you are...wait I m coming to help you...he comes and helps me taking bath and dressing me...he helps me to dry my hair...while combing my hair he says ...hye baby boy yet you didn't tell me your name...oh my name is taeguk...taeguk waoo what a beautiful mommy told me its the combination of my daddy and mommy name...oh so what's your mommy and daddy name ? mommy name is Kim taehyung and daddy name I don't know my mommy didn't tell me yet...after hearing my mommy name uncle becomes freez I slowly pinch him..Uncle what happened..nothing your mommy name reminds me someone...Uncle what's your name?what will you do after knowing my name ?I will tell mommy that you helped me so much...oh my name is jeon jungkook but you can call me uncle jungkook...jungk... it's very difficult to pronounce than if I call you uncle kookie how is it...kookie tae used to call me kookie he mumbles ...Uncle again gets freez...Uncle come back from your day dreaming...he starts to laughing loudly...then he says do me one more premise..Uncle one more premise? ..yeah when you go back to your home you will come again to meet me..but uncle we are living in Bussan not here then how I will come to meet you...ok then if I visit there you will come to me...yeah this could be possible but if mommy allow me I will come to meet you...ok then I will talk your mom and ask him for permission how is this ...great I love you uncle..and I hug him tightly he hugs me back

and I hug him tightly he hugs me back

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