chapter 20

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Taehyung:-honey where is your clothes...
Taeguk:-mommy uncle put my stuff in his closet
Tae;- alright wait for me here I am gonna pick up your clothes don't go anywhere
Taeguk:-alright mommy

Taehyung:-as I opened closet for picking taeguk clothes up...I saw my  stuff in the same position as I left them. my shirts were still hanging around...kookie you hate me so much right? then why you still kept my things along with your why you decorated my stuffs in your closet
If you truly hate me you wouldn't still keep them with you. would have thrown them out of home like tarash but you preferred to keep them what you basically trying to do

Kookie your dual personality making me confuse...who the hell are you...I was in state of confusion  when taeguk started shouting mommy be quick its cold here

While drying taeguk hair...he was telling me about his great uncle kookie...I interrupted him by what will be your reaction if you get to know that you are going to live with your daddy
Taeguk:-daddy...he asked innocently
Taehyung:-yeah my love" daddy"
Taeguk:-i will be happy...but mommy what about uncle kookie...I became addicted of him also, can't he come with us?

Taehyung:- with us ?

Taeguk:- yes  mommy you and me...both will be happy don't we?

Taehyung:-you like uncle kookie that much you wanna live with him...if I say he is your dad would you believe...I mean how will you react

Taeguk:-what do you mean mommy ?

Taehyung:-yes my love he is your dad not uncle ...that's why he loves you so much and you also love him am I right?
Taeguk:-it's mean cookie uncle is my daddy ?
Taehyung:-yes my love he is...don't you love him already?

Taeguk:-yes yes I love him I love him so much...but mommy will he live with us

Taehyung:-no we will live with him here..from now on call him daddy

Time skip :-

Jungkook:-when I came  back from office ...I started search my son here and there because I missed him so much...taeguk where are you ?

Taeguk:-wait for a minute I m coming daddy

Jungkook:-daddy...I think I heard wrong...

Taeguk:-you were calling me daddy?

Jungkook:-what did you call me?

Taeguk:-daddy...mommy told me that you are my  daddy so I should call you daddy

Jungkook:-finally I heard daddy  word from his little eyes became full of tears I controlled my tears from falling down because I did not want to be weak in front of my son...I hugged taeguk tightly...oh my love  I m so happy after listing daddy word from you...he broke hugged by saying

Taeguk:-but I m not happy I m calling you daddy just because I m obeying my mommy...I m angry with are very bad...I don't wanna talk with you any more

Jungkook:-what happened my love?

Taeguk:-where were you when we needed you most?...why you were not living with us?why you left us?do you  know how badly i missed you when my frends were proudly talking about their fathers..they were making fun on me that taeguk's dad left him because he is a bad boy...even though there were saying you are dead you will not come back to me and mommy

Jungkook:-his words were chopping my heart...he was literally sobbing his doe eyes were full of tears...I wanted to hug him for calming him...but he refused and run back... thats the thing I was most scarred fuckin* tae that's the reason why I hate you so much you proved me loser in front of my son...just because of you he will not be able to trust on me ever, you made him hating ruined everything I will not forgive you about your this many questions were there in his little eyes I m accountable in front of him just because of you I don't know how I will face him again

how many questions were there in his little eyes I m accountable in front of him just because of you I don't know how I will face him again

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