chapter 21

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Jungkook:-tae come out I need to talk with you...I shouted loudly because I was mad at him
Taehyung:-I heard kookie loud voice at that time I was busy giving medicine to would you like to play with uncle Jean...he was calling you?

Taeguk:-yes mommy I wanna play with him...bye bye mommy don't worry I will join you soon

Jungkook:-i was waiting for tae call..when I noticed taeguk went outside..I run fast to words tae...he was literally shivering fear was clearly seen in his eyes...I grabbed his wrist tightly

Why you did this to me...why...just because of you he is angry at me...I m accountable in front of him ..his eyes are asking many questions and I don't have any answer of all his question...what I will say to him that your mommy didn't even think necessary to inform your dad?while saying my grip became more stronger tears were foaming from his eyes he pushed me towards the wall

Taehyung:-enough is enough kookie...don't dare to hit and shout at me again...I m not the same tae whom you were turturing the way you wanted...go to tell your son that your mommy didn't inform your dad because he was not deserving to know about your selfish you are still you are thinking about your honest to your son and go to tell him that how you treated his you have any gurts to revealing the you don't have...why I should have informed you about him...about my pregnancy...have you forgotten after physically abusing me...what you gave me the lemon excuse that what happened between us was just a mistake and it happened just because of you were drunk...

I busted into tears  because I couldn't take it any more...Mr jeon jugkook you are not just accountable in front of him you are also accountable in front of me...I still want to know if you hated me that much then why you didn't reject our marriage proposal...instead of hiting and yelling why you didn't take step to break our were thinking about me that i wouldn't take any step against of you was just because I was helpless and scared from you no kookie you were wrong I was not weak at that time and still I m not...I was bearing all that because I was in love with you...I was in love with someone who even didn't  show any Marcy on me...

now tears changed into sobbing...after leaving your home I could do many things to take back my property and destroy you because my father was most famous and favourite among bussnies sector and had strong friendly relationship you were nothing in front them but I didn't just for you...because I knew if you get hurt by any chance I will suffer more than you because watching you in that state ...your love gave me just tears,violence,hate,humilation,and blames your love snatched each and everything that i had...but I didn't complain

Be thankful to me Mr jeon jugkook...that I didn't narrate each and every cruel step of your...because I can't be selfish as like you... i can't split father from his son i m pity on myself that i love one of the weakest person of world who is hurting others for the sake of satisfying his so called egu...yes Mrjeon jungkook you are coward person who is blaming others for covering up his own mistakes you don't have enough courage to accept your mistakes you are a loser

yes Mrjeon jungkook you are coward person who is blaming others for covering up his own mistakes you don't have enough courage to accept your mistakes you are a loser

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