chapter 7

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Jungkook's pov:-After being ready we reached at kitchen

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Jungkook's pov:-
After being ready we reached at kitchen...cook's offer breakfast to us he made special breakfast for little one...uncle It's look yummy...yeah it is please have it...when he takes first spoon of sweet dish his whole body becomes red like tomato he starts coughing...which made me worry what's happen taeguk why your face colour changed suddenly ?are you ok?is there something which is bothering you?I call cook to check him... sir I think we need to call Dr he is getting worse...oh my God he is barely taking breath please go to call Dr kim namjoon...please taeguk be ok please don't make uncle worry hye open eyes what's happening to you oh God it's killing me...after 15 minutes Dr kim namjoon arrives at mansion I narrate whole story to him after doing his check up..he inquires to me...if little one ate sugar or some sweet thing in breakfast... i replay yeah but he just took only one spoon of sweet dish after taking this all this happened...this all happened just because of he has an allergy from sugar and all kind of sweet things what kind of father you are? How you don't know about your own son and his health issues...any way I would prefer you next time don't dare to offer him such kind of things his health might get more father you must be more protective and careful regarding his health where is his mother ? how can she be so careless towards her own son health?...I m so sorry Dr next time we will be more careful I will make sure this will not happen again little one this habit amaze me because I have also an allergy from sugar...after giving lecture on parents responsibilities Dr leaves...I go near to little one who is watching me with doe eyes...I sit near to him and start to brushing in his hair...why you didn't tell me that you have an allergy from sugar?...I m sorry uncle I totally forgot because my mommy is taking care of all these things...I want to taste sugar but whenever I try always this happens with me i m such a bad mommy told me that i inherited this habit from daddy because he has also same health issue...then I have one amazing news for you do you know your uncle is also a bad boy...what do you mean uncle? mean is that i also hate sweet things or sugar...oh really uncle...yeah do I tell you one more interesting thing.. what's that uncle ? I also inherited this habit from my daddy...he sits on bed and starts watching me innocently waooo uncle It's mean we are sharing some same habits ...waoo that's great I will tell mommy that uncle kookie is also a bad boy because he has also an allergy from sugar...while kissing on his forehead I ask him forgiving me... why his little existence bothering me to much?...why in very little time he became so close to me? ...what I will do if his mom find him and take him back home ? oh God it's driving me crazy...if I offer his mom huge amount of money will his mom let him leave with me ? oh God what I m thinking..please taeguk don't leave uncle's alone ...uncle is already lonely no one loves and cares him please be around of uncle is Fed up of leaving a materialistic and robotic life uncle needs someone special in his life who loves and cares him selflessly... because these all things are killing uncle slowly as like slow poison...please save him please save him from isolation

please save him please save him from isolation

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