chapter 5

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Jungkook's pov:-

I get out from the car to check little one who was standing at midnight in front of mine car... he is such a cuti pie his face features are very adorable doe eyes little tiny nose rose petal pink lips and messi hairs who fully are covering his little for head each and everything was perfect but doe eyes were full of water which were un bearable... so i went near to him for knowing the reason that what he is doing this late in the horrible anf empty forest

 hye you little boy what are you doing here at this late? don't you know how dangerous this place is?what about your parents? Where are they?

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hye you little boy what are you doing here at this late? don't you know how dangerous this place is?what about your parents? Where are they?...when I ask about his parents he starts to whining then replies to me that...I don't have parents I have single mommy I wanna go to my mommy I miss mommy so mommy also missing me please call my mommy please bring him back to me uncle...although I used to hate little children but his tears are effecting me I mean his tears are melting my heart his doe eyes are so beautiful but when water is foaming from them why my heart is aching...hye you stop crying we will try to find your mommy but the thing is that we don't have any idea that how your mommy looks like because we never meet him before ...sir but we can wait here until his mom come...driver suggested in polite manner...yeah that's what we can do...minutes change into hours now almost 2 hours has been passed but no one reach there to take back this tiny soul...sir it's midnight we can't stay here for whole night we must go back and in the next morning we can inform police so his family can easily reach at him...yeah child also looks like's midnight and he is still awakene although he can't open his eyes properly it's not good for his health he needs to take rest... driver said in sad tune ... yeah I think you are right we must move from this haunted place it's already look scary...sir please you hold him I will drive the car...but how can I take care of  this tiny boy because I didn't interact with children's ok sir it's not a big deal I m sure you will handle it easily...I hold him in my embrace and he holds me back tightly as like he doesn't want to let me go for ever as like after long wait he finally finds something he desperately wants as like it is for him the matter of his life...but still he is sobbing  i brushing in his black silky hairs to comfort him while comforting him he asleep on my lap his fragrance is warming my breath  because its very familiar to someone who was very special to me but I lost him just because of my stupidity his tight hugging return back me my inner peace which I lost at the age of 19... while comforting him I don't know when I fall asleep...I awake after hearing driver's voice... sir we reach at the home

 sir we reach at the home

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