chapter 22

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Taehyung:-don't you need to be worry you will not see my face again your blood will not boil again...I m going from your life forever I m leaving taeguk here...because I m not able to give him luxurious life I know in the beginning he will suffer but with the passage of time he will manage to live without me as like both we did...after leaving your home

After confessing I was about to leave when suddenly kookie collapsed on the floor...I run towards him...he was in state of unconsciousness...

At the city hospital

Dr:-where is Mr jeon jugkook family?

Taehyung:-he is my husband...Dr is there everything ok how is he doing?

Dr:-I m sorry Mr Kim but he has nervous breakdown...he is in critical condition please pry for him...and we are going to arrange blood for him

Taehyung:-nervous breakdown after hearing these words I started crying

Driver:-sir we need to talk

Taehyng:-I m not in mood can't you see he is dying?

Driver:-there is something very important about him to discuss please sit I m requesting  you

Taehyung:-driver narrated whole story of kookie...after hearing that i felt like someone is shaking my ground...when I tried to stand up due to shivering I was about to fall when driver hold me...

Driver:-please sir forgive him...what he did with you just because of securing you from his evil dad...after losing his mom he didn't want to lose you...when he was only 11 his mom got married again since that time his struggling had even started from his surrounding he only learned hate,humilation,yelling and one taught him about love,care,respect...that's why he can easily express his hate feeling rather than love...he doesn't know how to express love, how to spread happiness around...but when he saw taeguk he started living again slowly slowly he was learning how to be polite,loving,caring...he was not hating you he was just mad at you because he didn't experience any feeling as father he was telling me while holding asleep taeguk hands in his hand...that he missed everything as a father what he will  give answers to taguk when he ask about something regarding his childhood...

that he missed everything as a father what he will  give answers to taguk when he ask about something regarding his childhood

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