Chapter 16 - Exhausted

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Recap of the last chapter:

 I cut myself off at the sight of a different figure. I saw him almost as clear as day but it was night. I sensed danger. He was the danger I sensed before the mission. Rengoku-san death ... Will not come so easily!

End of Recap:

Y/n's PoV:

I watched a scene replay in my mind. The scene of this man's arm going straight through Rengoku-san's stomach. I lost all feeling in my body. My eyes turned into those of a doll. I took my sword out and looked at the man in the eye. He had lines all over his body. He had the horrible stench of a demon. I tried looking him in the eye to investigate more. Upper Moon ... 3. Akaza. I will end him. I will protect my Aniki at all costs! "Everyone, get back to headquarters. I'll end this fucker myself."

I charged towards him, making sure my breathing was perfect and flawless.

"Woah there! I didn't get to introduce myself. And sorry, I don't fight little girls." He dodged, only for me to gracefully twist my body in a certain pattern allowing me to slice his left arm off. "Stop treating me like a little girl and fight me as if I were a man." I revolted, still monotonous. "Then you give me no choice but to fight." He gave a grimace, to which I returned.

My body was now much like a marionette. I tried using my access to the see-through world. A world my whole family were trained to see. I looked through the demon. His blood was stable enough. His right arm's muscle is tensing up, meaning he'll use that arm to swing a punch at me. And just as I presumed, that was what exactly happened. I dodged and twirled in mid-air, slicing that arm off as well. "Stupid arms ... Why aren't they regenerating?" He grunted in annoyance. "My blade is made with a special type of nichirin. You'll never be able to regenerate, even if you're a high-ranking upper moon." I explained. 

"Now, how about that head of yours? Isn't it a bother? Don't you want it off? Or do you want a slower death?" I asked him sadistically masking away the hatred I had for him to no avail. He scowled in response and came charging at me. "Nichirin breathing, Sixth Form, Thunder Nichirin!" I commanded, resulting in thunder immediately electrocuting him the second my blade hit his neck. He went into a state of shock and fell back. "Must hurt to be hurt, right?" I smiled as he spazzed out on the ground, clenching the spot that was hit as it bled out endlessly. "You know, I never had a grudge against demons. But since it's my mother's wish, I will stop at nothing to kill every last one of you Upper Moons." I monologued as he shouted in pain and begged for help. I knelt down and held him by the collar, 

"Specified you. I looked deep into the future and saw that in every one of them, you killed one of the only men in my life that I looked up to. You're basically scum to me at this point. Mark my name, Y/n L/n. I'm the one who let you feel pain for the first time. Be thankful" I looked at him, clearly crazed and annoyed. In an instant, he used this chance to headbutt me. 

 Shit! I let my guard down. I got up into a fighting stance but to my surprise, instead of fighting me, he fled for the woods. Coward ... Coward! "You coward of a demon! Your type is the absolute scum of demons! You should've fought like a man, you lowlife half-ass piece of jack-shit!" I shouted after him. I looked up and realized the sun was rising. God, I'm exhausted. I'm thankful I didn't let Rengoku get killed by a lowlife like him. I felt the exhaustion in my knees and gave in. Falling over, I braced for impact. 

But it never came. 

It felt like the pillow I wake up on every day ...  

I opened my eyes slowly. Those turquoise eyes and long hair...Muichiro...He had his usual calmness as he examined my body. both of us riddled with bruises. I placed a hand on his cheek and felt a single tear fall down my cheek. "Mui...chiro...I prevented...someone's" I asked weakly. He gave a light smile. 

"Y/ prevented the deaths of many people. I'm proud..." He pulled me into a deep hug. "Let's go home and rest. The others are already back at Headquarters." I nodded in response and he put me on his back. "I know you're probably exhausted. Feel free to sleep." He whispered. I slowly felt myself give in to the tiredness and soon I was out cold.

~ Time skip brought to you by author-san enjoying his steamed buns ~

I woke from a dreamless sleep. My body was laid on a futon with a comfy blanket to top it all off. It was comfy but not as comfy as the pillow I'm accustomed to waking up on. I sat up and looked around, trying to catch sight of the long-haired boy I usually had by my side. Guess he was in the kitchen. I stood up to see I was in a nightgown. Wait ... Does that mean he undressed me!?! I blushed from the idea of ​​Muichiro ... Ugh, get these impure thoughts out of your head! 

I stepped out of the bedroom door. Mui wasn't there. "Mui? Are you there?" I asked around. He must be in the garden. I stepped out into the open world. It turns out it was just the afternoon. I realized that I was barefoot but I guess I couldn't care less. I took a deep breath, enrollment to enjoy the fresh air, but I felt something prick my lungs. I guess I strained them for too long. I walked down the path to the garden, taking in the scenery of the outside world. I finally got to the garden and finally found my love. He was sitting solemnly on the engawa, staring off into the sky. I slowly crept up to him. 

"Mui ..." I groaned as I plopped myself down beside him, resting my head on his shoulder. "Y/n? You should be resting. Also, why are you barefoot?" He nuzzled up against me. "I'm too lazy to get my shoes on. Also, I wanted to see you." I gave him a warm hug. He, soon enough, returned the hug and after a moment or two of silence, we broke it. "Muichiro, you wanna know something?" I asked out of the blue. "Hm? "He replied, clearly a bit surprised by the sudden question." I looked into the future and saw Rengoku's death. He was going to die by the hands of that demon if we didn't go along with them on the mission. I felt happy with myself for the first time in ages. I saved someone precious to me from dying. "I explained. I looked up ay his pale orbs. He had an expression that was hard to interpret ." Y / n. That's great that you saved Rengoku-san's life but ... How did you see the future? "He asked curiously.

I stayed silent, trying to think of a valid answer. "Sorry but that's a family secret." I evaded. My family were the only ones with the ability to see all future outcomes. But like what I did with Rengoku's death, I changed fate. But I can't let anyone know how to use it. Muichiro simply nodded in response. I smiled as I cupped his cheeks. "You know I love you, right?" He kept my hand on his cheek and got closer to me. Shit! Is he going to kiss me?!? Wait, what ?! My cheeks started getting hotter by the second. Nowhere in the future did I see this coming ... 

"Y/n... Your lips ..." He licked his lips then got even closer. God, there was less than an inch between our lips. My heart was racing at this point, I couldn't help it ... Sure, we are dating but we've never kissed and- The sudden sensation of warmth on my lips cut off all my thoughts entirely. And soon, I leaned into the kiss and after a minute we pulled apart. God, I'm a blushing mess ... I looked straight into his pale eyes. He had a tint of red on his cheeks as well. "Mui ..." I pulled him into a hug. 

"Sorry... I couldn't control myself. I'm sorry. I should've asked first." He apologized as he hugged me back. I looked up from snuggling into his chest. "It's okay! I didn't know you were such a great kisser!" I cheered, bopping his nose. "We should head inside. It's almost evening." I stated, standing up. Muichiro nodded and did the same. I held his hand and we went inside. Finishing the day with some hot chocolate.


Y/n: Mui, btw did you undress me?

Mui: uhhhhhhhhhh no I got Mitsuri to do it. 

A/n: Mui actually did undress her but didn't want to admit it. What a pervert


A/n: Haha I'm in trouble. Also sorry I didn't give Akaza more character-

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