Chapter 23 - The Training Doll

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Y/n's PoV:

I evaluate silent, staring wide-eyed at the situation. I couldn't gather up the courage to do anything at all, so I stayed rooted to the ground below as if I were a statue.

"Hey! Don't do that!" I heard a familiar voice halt from the side and someone cutting in between the two, diffusing yet fueling to the tension of the situation.

"Tanjiro ..." I muttered, lifting a foot up as to approach the scene filled with a frantic, threatening atmosphere, still hesitant to.

I slowly made it behind the long, blue-haired boy I knew as Muichiro without anyone noticing, trying to control my heart from racing and successfully did so.

I instantly wrapped my arms around the boy's torso without a second thought, causing him to jump and flinch, but ended up realizing that it was just me.

"Y/n ..?" He called out. Suddenly, his face morphed from a curious expression to one that screamed: "Oops I messed up". He probably came to the realization that I may have been watching the whole scene.

I slowly pulled him closer to me, hiding my face into his back. 

He could definitely tell that I had ulterior motives just from my touch.

"You know what's to come don't you?" I asked, muffling my voice into his attire. "H-hey we can talk this out, can't w-"

Before he could make up an excuse, I pulled him off the ground, performing a perfect german suplex.

The two other boys beside us shrieked, watching in shock. I lifted my body back up, standing up back on my two feet and brushing my knees off. I morphed my frown into a cutesy smile, regarding the two other boys.

"Is your cheek okay? That slap looked real hard ..." I worried about the smaller boy. "I..." The boy stuttered, averting his eyes. I bent down, tilting my head in curiosity. The boy's cheeks turned a bright red, which I thought was quite peculiar. 

"I'm fine!" He blurted out, jostling me away. I tilted my head once again but ultimately shrugged it off, shifting to the checkered-haori boy. "Thank you, Tanjiro. If you haven't stepped in, I don't think I would've been able to do anything!" I chipped happily.

I caught sight of a crimson red at the corners of his cheeks. "It was no problem!" He scratched the back of his neck, bashful and humble as always. I came to the realization that I had almost forgotten about the boy laying on the floor beside us. 

I sighed domineeringly, squatting down to Muichiro, who was rubbing his head from the impact. I brought my palm up and swiped it across his cheek. He rubbed his cheek out of instinct, his eyes watering a little. 

"You've understood what you've done wrong?" I charged strictly, results in him nodding profusely. "Good. Now apologize!" I mothered to his face. I watched as he did a full-on dogeza in front of the boy, begging for forgiveness.

This whole cycle of my scolding him and him responding by nodding extensively.  The two other people watching the scene stayed in their silent shock. "But it really did hurt me to see you hurting another human being. Don't you dare ever do that again, okay?!" I whined, leaning into his chest.

I heard an audible sigh from him, his hand resting atop my head. "Okay, okay ... I'll never do it again." He reassured. 

The boy, who was named Kotetsu, and Muichiro sat Tanjiro and I down, explaining what all that was about. "So what I'm getting is that Your family has a training doll passed down throughout the years that is now run-down and near a breaking point, that's why you're preventing Muichiro from using it?" I cleaned up, clasping my hands.

Both and of them nodded in response. Tanjiro pinched his chin, seemingly processing the information given. I, too, gathering and calmed my thoughts down, thinking of a solution. 'Wait, that's it!' I lit up like a light bulb at the back of my head.

"Kotetsu! Just give him the key to the doll!" I cheered as Kotetsu got taken aback. "E-eh ?!" He screeched, clearly questioning my neutrality in the situation.

"Ah! That came out wrong! I meant it's okay because I'm quite in-depth in knowledge about robotics. I can help you fix it." I suggested, beaming in my own excitement, which made Kotetsu jump and blush, averting his eyes.

"Wow! Great idea Y/n!" Tanjiro encouraged from the sidelines, leaving me quite happy that someone liked my idea. "Thank you Tanjiro!" I chipped back to him. To the onlookers watching, I could picture Tanjiro and I emitting light in our optimistic cloud. 

"So, where's the key?" Muichiro asked Kotetsu in unsaturated yet pushy tone, triggering the younger boy beside him. "Who said I was giving it to you ?!" He defended, waving his arms around the air.

"Oh, I guess we didn't really confer. If you don't want to, you don't need to but I would really appreciate it if you did!" I sweat under the cold air. From the corner of my eye, I saw Kotetsu's cheeks wash over with fever.

"F-fine ..." He agreed with a retaliated attitude but nonetheless I was happy. However, I could feel the heavy glare of Muichiro. I turned to him with a smile and shaking my head comedically, causing him to sigh and stop. 

Kotetsu softened up and gestured for only Muichiro to follow him to get the doll, to which Muichiro agreed and they were off. 

"Tanjiro, how about scissors, paper, stone?" I ask after a minute of silence. "Sure!" He responded happily. 

We played meaninglessly, killing time waiting for the boys to head back.


Sorry for the short chapter!!! I've been having serious writer's block and since school's opened back up, I don't get much time to write ._. but seriously! I'll write longer chapters -_- author san out ;;

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