Chpt 1- Bitches!

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I glared at the three bitches that kept on arguing. They hate each other but love the hell outta one other at the same time. We should be at school now and they know how I hate to be late. Anywhere I'm going I got to be early. "Guys we should get a move on" I said, gesturing to the door to receive hard glares. I sighed frustratedly and leant back against the wall with folded arms. 

"Shut the fuck up, El" they all shout, pissed at each other for some shit that doesn't involve me or Selena. They're all ways mad about something.

"Fuck ya'll" I muttered, fanning them off. I walked over to the couch and sat down beside Selena who was watching them with interest. They always do this every freaking day. I'm the Quiet one but I don't take shit especially when it comes to these crazy bitches. I don't talk much and that's how I like it.

"Should we stop them" Selena leaned towards me and muttered, still looking at the girls argue. They weren't going to stop even if we tell them to. They're stubborn and hard headed as shit! Selena is the nerd out of us. She's a little shallow but we all have our issues.

"What the fuck were you going to say?" Cassie growls at Alyson who was busy looking at her nails with much interest. Cassie was the bad girl who hates every fucking body, she tells us that every day but I know she doesn't mean it. It's just hard for her to communicate with people and say how she actually feels. Alyson on the other hand says every shit that's on her mind. She's open and real freaking rude. She's the Queen bee of the school, she walks around with her little workers and flirts with all the guys. She is pretty and she knew it, she just likes to rub it in every bodies face.

"We should stay out of it" I whispered back, doing the same as she is. Watching the girls argue for god knows how long.

"That you're fucking sad-" Alyson says, tapping her nail on her cheek with a sadistic smirk on her face as she looked back at Cassie. "- and that because you got issues you put all your shit on people" she let's out a small chuckle. "Did you hear now?"

"I'm going to fuck up that ugly ass face of yours" Cassie says, taking her earrings out. Shit! It's about to get violent.

"Bring it bitch!" Alyson was ready to kick ass because she started taking her earrings out as well.

"Could you bitches be anymore pathetic, gosh!" Taylor scoffed, shaking her head. Alyson and Cassie turn their attention to her. Taylor is the popular girl who always has something rude or snide to say. She likes making people feel like shit.

"Look who's calling people pathetic!" Cassie chuckled amuse. "I'm not the one who's running after someone's boyfriend. A guy who doesn't give a rats ass about you" Alyson started laughing too.

I rolled my eyes at their behaviour. I don't even know how we're all friends. We're like a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. We all have our shits, we all are fucking rude and hurtful and we are that way with each other at times but that's just us. No one's going to change or fix us, we're too damaged.

Alyson with her behaviour of hurting people to satisfy her own ways, Cassie with her hostility and threats, Selena with her insecurities and fears, Taylor with the habit of loving to make people feel less than they are and me with my problem of trusting people and my aggression. We are fucking broken bitches!

"At least I have someone to chase after" Taylor muttered, I could hear tears in her voice. "Nobody fucking wants you because you're too fucking sick and you keep driving people away. Both of you!" She shouts, pointing her fingers at the two.

"You-" Alyson was about to say something but I cut her off.  I'm tired of this shit, I'm tired of their nonstop arguing.

"Just shut the fuck up!" I snapped and the room went silent. That's what I wanted, quiet. "Shut up! If you bitches hate each other so much and can't stop the fucking arguing you should just go and stop being friends. What's the point of us hanging around each other if ya'll keep behaving like this?"  I grabbed my bag off the couch and marched over to the door, brushing Alyson's shoulder as I passed.

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