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I get the information from Mr. Bang and make sure I have everything.

He told me

"Be at the company bright and early at 5 in the morning so we all can safely get on the plane together."

so I thank him of course because this my job. Well my new job. "So how's everything at home?" Shelly places a plate of pizza in front of me. "Not good." I nervously laugh.

She knows everything. My aroused father, my blind and caring mother, and my passion for art. "Well I can tell you're always here. When are you going to shut down that wall and come clean to your mom about everything?"

"I don't know Shell it's terrifying. She'll be scarred and emotionally damaged. I don't-"

"You're the one who suffers. She's isn't going through your pain right now." Shelly takes a bite of her pizza and looks over at me. "I know but that's my mother. Her pain is my mine and vice versa. I'm her child and to find out that the father of her child is aroused by her child will really put a smack on it."

She sighs. Shelly is very straight forward. She isn't the sugar coating type. "I'm sorry if I sounded harsh Marlo. I'm just scared for you. I want you to over come this and get that man out of there."

"It's okay!"

"Are they married?"

"No. My mother doesn't like marriage." I laugh lightly. "Ahh my friend has the cutest dimples!" Shelly pokes my dimples and I pout, errupting laughter from her.

-The Next Morning-

I quickly shower and get my things ready. Making sure I have all my brushes ready. Mr. Bang is providing me with the makeup and hair products so I didn't have to buy it all on my own time.

I leave a note for Shelly telling her I'm leaving safely. I make sure I have my ID and passport just in case something goes wrong.


I drag my suitcase by my side and meet my boss with the other staff in this dance studio. "Ahh Ms. Chae I'd love you to meet the person you'll be doing hair and makeup for." Mr. Bang smiles and gestures for someone behind me to come closer.

I turn around to a taller figure removing his mask. "J-Hope this is Chae Marlo. She will be your new stylist. Ms. Chae this is Jung Hoseok (J-Hope)."

He offers his hand and quickly take it with a smile. "Happy to work with you." He smiles brightly after our hands lose connection. "Happy to work with you as well." I smile showing my dimples.

"I know you two will get along. Try to know each other a little more." And with that he walks away. I feel as if I'm being set up for a blind date I didn't know about.

"So what got you here?" Hoseok removes his mask completely and starts up a conversation with me. "Fresh out of college and I needed a job. This is my last resort but I am happy to be here." I give a slight smile and notice his ears are a little red.

"Boss told me we're the same age so I think we'll get along."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. 22 right?"

"Yeah." I smile again a bit brighter. "I hope I get to talk with you more. Have a safe trip." He smiles and walks away from me. I smile to myself at the good conversation I had with the person I'm working with.

"You might just be the bosses new favorite." The familiar voice makes me jump out of my boots. I turn around and it's the same young lady from yesterday. "Oh hi." I smile and quickly bow. "I never got your name." I smile, keeping my hands behind my back. "Kim Jen." She smiles.

"Alright everyone the cars our outside waiting for you. Safe trip everyone." Bang let's us loose. I grab my luggage and the bag of things I needed Mr. Bang got me. "Ride with me. I'll fill you in on a lot of information."

I put my luggage in the trunk and ride with her in the back seat. We're going to Los Angeles, California for a week because they have to do interviews. "Alright kid let me school you. How old are you?"

"I'm 22."

She gives me a shocked expression only leaving me confused. "Wow. You're youngest amongst us."

"Oh I've heard." I smile.

"Okay so here's what you need to know..."

She tells me all the rules from no drug use around the men to professional behavior.

"We have to ride on a private plane with them because how bad it got last year." Jen checks her phone and looks out the window. "What happened last year?"

"A lot of non fans would show up and do a lot of cruel things to them. Even on the plane ride to their location so the company had to take safer measures." A young male next to Jen says as he removes his headphones completely.

"I'm Ron." He offers his hand and I take it. We drive the 30 to an hour to where we have to go and safely get on the plane. "Stylist and people who dress them must be by their side the whole trip to keep them looking good and safe." Jen hands me a card. "What's this?"

"My card with my number on it. Since you're styling Hoseok you have to get his and the others phone number to stay in contact."

I'm not good with handsome guys so I'll just make it quick. "Try to get it before they fall asleep. They work very hard." Jen nudges me a little to their area on the plane. I put my things away and walk to their area.

"Hi I'm the new stylist. I have to get your numbers to stay in contact during the time being." I nervously smile and some of them don't stop looking at me.

Hoseok rushes towards me first. "Here I'll help you out." He quickly grabs my phone out of my hand. It's not the best phone but I haven't thought to buy a new one.

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