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2 years later...

Shelly has no memory of who beat her like that but she is back to normal. Today is the day of me moving in with her and I'm actually super excited because she has been trying to get me to move in with her but I have been very busy with the company.

"Last box?" Shelly smiles once I pass her the box to take downstairs. My father comes from his room and doesn't look very pleased. "Hi Mr. Chae." Shelly gives him a fake smile but doesn't offer her hand like she usually does.

"Hi. Where are you going Marlo?" His eyes quickly shoot to me. "I'm moving out. I'm old enough and I should give you and mom your space." I confidently grab my phone and make my way down stairs with Shelly. "I'll stay right here. I'm not going anywhere." She whispers to me before he follows us.

"I don't think you understand me before Marlo." He slowly walks down the steps. Shelly grabs the box and my hand and we bolt out of the house. Running and running to the car. "Drive!" I yell as I look out the window and see my father running after us. She stomps her foot on the gas and we drive off safely.

"We've got everything?" I ask out of breath. "Yeah. Your phones ringing." She sighs as she continues to drive. I left my car at her place so everything could go smoothly. We had no idea my father would be there.


"Hey Marlo. Can we meet today?" It's Hobi. "I'm moving today actually so I uh I don't know."

"What's that?" Shelly asks curious of who's calling me. "Remember that guy I tell you about literally all the time? Yeah him." We fist bump. "Love that you talk about me. This 2 month break is going to painful if I'm not able to see you." Hoseok whines on the other end.

"We'll meet soon. I promise." I smile to myself. "He can come over if he wants. Dying to meet this kid already."

"You are lucky I'm free." Hobi laughs on the other end. "I guess I'll see you later."

"You will. Goodbye Marlo." He hangs up the phone and we finally pull up to her house after a few minutes. "I'll send him the address." I quickly type the address and send it to Hoseok.

I'm actually pretty close. See you soon darling.


"He's close around so he'll be here soon." I smile and quickly get out the car. "You're crushing!" Shelly teases as she goes to unlock her door. "I am. He's cute." I start grabbing boxes and placing them inside. Shelly and I load the boxes inside the house. After a few minutes, there's a knock on the door.

"I got it."  Shelly quickly rushes to the door and answer it. "M-Marlo." I look over at the door and she's as still as a brick wall. "How the hell did you keep this from me for 2 years?" She whispers in my ear.

"Hi Hobi." He brings me into a big bear hugs. "Marlo can I talk to you for a second?" Shelly drags me to the kitchen quickly and gives me a 'what the fuck' look. "You didn't tell me you were bringing J-Hope from BTS in our apartment."

"You listen to their music?"

"Yes! Although he's not my bias RM is because girl have you seen that man, what the hell?!"

I giggle at her reaction. "Well get used to it. We've been friends for a long while and I'm trying not to look like a dork right now." Shelly takes a deep breath and let's out a long sigh. "Fine. Go get your man." We walk back to Hoseok and he smiles once he sees me.

"Oh shoot! I've got to go grocery shopping. Have fun and don't break anything." Shelly grabs her keys and quickly dips out. "Alright come one. There's a lot of boxes." I grab his hand and lead him to my new room. "This should be easy. You don't leave as much as a mess as the others." He removes his jacket and hat placing it on the side.

We get straight into work. I set up my Google Home and play some music while we work.


"Hey I'm back!"

"You have so much stuff." Hoseok whines setting the last box on my bed. "Hush that's the last box." I giggle coming closer to him. "You still have a lot of stuff. You should help your friend."

"Yeah sure. I owe you." I smile and exit my room to help Shelly with the groceries. "So..."

"So..?" I giggle. "How's the little crush going?"

"Gosh your a dork sometimes you know that?"

"What? He's cute. Your cute."

"I'll tell him at some point."

"What that's he's your type?"

"No you idiot. That I like him."

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