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I nervously keep my head a little low as he types in all the numbers from his phone to mine. "Here take this card so you don't lose anything." I look up to the sound of his voice. At the corner of my eye I notice them starring at me.

"Thank you." I smile and walk back to my seat. "God you need a new phone." Jen looks to my phone. "When's the last time you decided to buy a new one?"

"Last year." I laugh lightly. "I'll buy you one when we land in LA-"

"N-No that's okay I got it. I couldn't ask you to do that." I smile. "You're adorable but I'm taking care of you." Jen warmly smiles and hands me a neck a pillow. "Thank you." I smile back.


I check the time.


"We're landing." I tap Jen's shoulder. She wakes up rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. I hand her my water bottle signalling she can have it. "Yah I'm older than you."

"How old?"


"Oh." I look out the window and look at the beautiful view. It's basic but I still love it. We get off and drive to a hotel. Kind of sleepy but trying to stay awake.

We arrive and everyone comes together to get our rooms. I share a room with Jen because Mr. Bang says I'm becoming close with her. We walk to our room and prep for tomorrow. I change into a black tank top and black joggers. "Hey I'm gonna go grab a snack."

"Can you get me Sun chips?" Jen smiles brightly. "Yeah of course." I grab the 2 dollars she hands me and I walk to the vending machine at the end of our hallway.

My shoulder collides with someone and I instantly apologize with my head low. "Sorry." I keep going until my arm is grabbed. I flinch a big and look up to the person that's grabbing me.

"Don't be." It's Hoseok. "I can buy that for you." He offers and let's go of me. "No that's fine. I'm getting me and Jen something." I smile only showing my lips. "Oh." His face seems a little upset and uneasy. "Is there something wrong?"

"Just watch out for her okay?" He sighs and rubs his temple. "What why?" I raise my brow in confusion. What does this mean and what don't I know?

"Listen I over heard her saying she was going to buy you a phone. Buy your own. She's not a good person." Hoseok walks away from me leaving me baffled but mostly concerned for my own well being.

I buy the snacks and make my way inside of my hotel room. "Hey what took so long?" Jen smiles as I hand her the snack she asked for. "I ran into Hoseok in the hallway." I plop on my bed and notice her face change a little.

Like...... Jealousy

"What did he say?" She doesn't move eye contact from me. "I ran into him by accident and he just told me to be more careful." I feel the need to not tell her everything he really told me.

"Oh okay." She smiles as I turn on the TV and shut out my lamp. I set my alarm 1 hour earlier than her's to get a new phone.

I feel a tension in the room but I ignore it and drift off into a deep sleep.

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