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Hobi kisses my neck quickly and tries to put me down but I cling onto him. "If you put me down you're coming down with me."

"If I spank you will that get you off?"

"Spank me? H-"

"HOBI!" He uses both of his hands to smack my butt. He then rubs my butt to make it feel better. I loosen my grip on him but his hands don't move from my butt. "Stop it." I blush like crazy. "It hurt seeing you look hurt earlier." Hobi sits us on his bed then looks to me with worried eyes. "You usually run into my arms with a cute smile on your face and squeeze me telling me you miss me but you didn't today." I look into my lap.

"But that kiss." He lays back and I smile. "Shouldn't we go back out there so they don't think we're ummm.... doing stuff?"

"You're my girlfriend. If I want fuck you then I'll fuck you."

Did he just - that's unignorable and I don't even know if that's a word.

I stay quiet and look away from him. "Babe."


"Nothing I'm just happier with you being my girlfriend." Hobi sits up and wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek multiple times. "I love you and I'm never ever letting you slip out of my hands easily."

"I love you too and you're not allowed to leave me." After a while he let's me go after convincing him I'm not going to go anywhere. Hobi unlocks the door, which I totally forgot was locked, and leans against the door. "What?"

"Did you pack a skirt?"

"Yeah why?"

"Is it the one I bought you?"

"Yeah Hobi what are you getting at?"

He smiles with his head back showing his long neck. Damn he looks good from this angle. Or every angle sheesh. "Because you won't be wearing that skirt for long. Come here." Him talking like this is making me extremely flustered. I walk a little over arms length close to him. "Is my babygirl shy?" He gets off the door and comes closer to me.

I don't say anything I just watch his every move. "I'm talking to you." He lifts my chin and whispers in my ear. I gulp feeling his breath against my skin. "H-Hobi."

"Yes baby?"

"Stop acting like t-this."

"You'll love it." Hobi grabs my hand and brings me out with the others. "Hey did you guys want to join us? We're heading out for a little while and probably won't be back until like midnight." Jimin smiles. "Yeah-"

"We'll just kick back here for a while and order some food." Hobi smiles and I look up at him confused. "Okay cool." Namjoon smiles. They grab their things and head out. "Have fun." Yoongi hugs me before heading out with the others. I lock the door and turn back to Hobi who doesn't look like he wants anything to do with me right now.

"Why did you do that?"

"I wanted to spend my time with you."

"Then why do you look upset with me?" I rub my arms looking up at him. He sighs and walks closer to me like one of those hot Vogue models.

How the hell did I end up with a guy way out of my league?

"I just got a little jealous when Yoongi hyung hugged you." Hoseok admits with his head down. "Oh." I blush. I should probably do something instead of sitting here like an idiot. I walk up to him and hug him. "Hobi don't be upset." I feel his arms wrap around my body. "I'm selfish over you. You're out of my league."

"THAT IS A LIE YOU'RE OUT OF MINES." I pull away and look up at Hobi. He chuckles and holds onto my waist. "What do you mean?"

I unbutton a few buttons on his shirt allowing his necklace to be more noticeable and mess with his hair a little. "This is how."

"You're not getting paid for styling me, Marlo."

"You're hot either way. People are going to wonder why you'd date someone lower than you." I walk pass Hoseok but his hands grab my waist and pull me back. "Woah woah woah lower than me? Is this why you haven't confessed to me sooner?"

"Just a little."

Hobi unzips my jacket showing my crop top that matches my joggers and messes with my hair a little. "Cute dimples, perfect smile, sexy body, gorgeous hair, great style. Should I continue because I can do this all night?" I reach for my jacket but he moves back. "Hobi give it back."

"Not until you admit I'm not out of your league." I pout and quickly go to his closet. I grab the best hoodie I can find and quickly put it on. "Yah Marlo take it off." He smiles seeing me snuggled up in his hoodie. "No."

"Okay." Hobi removes the jacket he had on previously and walks up to me at a fast pace. He grabs me by my thighs and picks me up to then lay me down on the bed. He kisses me then goes down to my jaw and my neck. "If I have to rip this off of you I will." Hoseok whispers in my ear gently kissing my neck.

"Hobi this is expensive." I notice the Gucci lines on it. "So? Go look in my closet I have plenty of other hoodies."

"Can I have my jacket back if I take this off?"

"It's gonna come off of you either way so still no jacket until you admit that I'm not out of your league."

How can I admit something that isn't true?


"I won't let you think like this. I'm the same person from years ago."

I sigh and look away from him. "Marlo."

"Hm?" He crashes his lips into mines passionately. I put my hands on his face, cupping his cheeks. I feel the hoodie rise from beneath and Hoseok completely removes the hoodie off of me. I cover myself with my arms. "Baby move your arms. I didn't get to love on you yet."

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