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I quickly dress in black and head out the door, making sure to grab my room key. I take an Uber to the apple Store which isn't that far from the hotel.


"Thank you sir." I smile and make my way back to the hotel to grab some breakfast. I walk inside the room and see Jen awake. "Hey I thought I was buying your phone for you!" Jen giggles. "I was up early so I decided to take care of it." I sit on my bed and set up my new phone while conversating with Jen.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"I got it." Jen quickly walks to the door and answers it. "Where's Marlo?"

"Right over there. Why?" Her face turns to jealousy, leaving her previous flirtatious behavior. "She's my stylist so I need to have a talk with her." Hoseok pushes pass Jen a little and signals me to come to him.

"Is there an issue with the irons or something?" I raise my brow and he sighs of relief. "Y-Yeah."

"Oh uh Jen I'll be back in a few seconds." I smile towards her and walk out of the door with Hoseok. She doesn't look to pleased that I'm going with him but I don't understand why.

"So what's the issue-"

"Come with me." He looks down at me with something in his eyes. Like... Hope.

I follow him on the far end of the hall to his hotel room. He opens the door and 2 of the other members are in here. "Does she have your phone number?"

"N-No. She gave me a card with her number on it then she told me to get your number afterwards." I nervously shift. "Good. Don't give it to her." Hoseok gives me a serious look. He looks familiar but I can't put my thumb on it.

"I don't understand."

"You should tell her before she gets caught up in mess." One of the members speak up. "Jungkook-"

"He's right. Do you want this new girl to go through that?" The other one speaks. Hoseok let's out a sigh. Before he could speak my phone starts ringing. "It's boss." I step to the side and answer the call.


"Hi Marlo how's everything going?"

"Really good sir."

"Good. I want you to make sure everything is going well and try to conversate with the other staff, like Hoseok."

"I'll try. Thank you sir." He hangs up the phone on me so I place my phone in my back pocket and walk over to an annoyed looking Hoseok.

Do I know him from somewhere? He looks so familiar I just can't put my tongue on it. "Did you give Jen your cell number?" One of the men ask me and I shake my head. "What's your names?" I feel the need to know them if they're giving me details on this woman I just met.

"I'm Jungkook and this is Taehyung." Hoseok introduces them to me and I bow with a smile on my face. "Yah Hobi hyung you're lucky to get her as a stylist. Look how pretty she is!" Taehyung points to my dimples making me blush pretty hard, turning all gushy and shy.

"Stop that!" Hoseok gives them both an annoyed look. "Thank you." I smile towards the one with the compliment. Hoseok sighs and looks down at me. "Jen has had a thing for me since we first debuted. She's the reason my last stylist got fired and I can't have you gone." Hoseok looks deep into my eyes.

I grab my phone and go through my Google Photos gallery to find my yearbook from high school.

I found it.

"We went to the same school."

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