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I drive silently to Shelly's house but am quickly alarmed. The cops and the ambulance surround her house. I park my car and run to her house as fast as I can.

"Where's Shelly?" I yell to the officers. I see her on a bed with a breathing mask on. I try to run to her but am quickly stopped. "Who are you to her?"

"That's my best friend. Please! What happened to her?! Let me see her!" I plead. The officers look to each other with sadness in their eyes and nod. "She'll be going to this hospital. Drive safely okay kid?" The officers pats my shoulder.

I bow quickly and run to my car. "Thank you!" I quickly hop in my car waiting for the ambulance to take off. I drive off. My phone keeps going off but I ignore it until we come to a stop light.

"I'm on the road."

"Hey Marlo. I'll be needing you back at the company as soon as you can."

"Oh boss! My friend is being hospitalized right now. I'll go to see her condition and come there as soon as I can."

"Take your time." He chuckles and hangs up the phone. As fast I can, I drive to the hospital to get to her. Tears streaming down my face.


"She will be in a coma for a few days. She was beaten brutally. Her insurance-"

"I'll pay for everything."

"But it is expensive."

"I don't care. I got it. You have my phone number. Contact me. I have to go." I grab my keys and walk away from her doctor. I take one good look at her and sigh deeply.

Who did this to her?


"Hey Mr. Bang. I came here as soon as I could." I weakly smile. "It's alright I just have a few questions." He gestures me to sit so I do so quickly as he takes his seat in his chair across from me.

"Yes sir?"

"Jen made a complaint about you flirting with Hoseok and the others."

I sigh and feel myself start to shake. "No I've just become closer with the them. Hoseok and I went to the same school when I was younger so I-I-"

"I've seen that in the previous year book."

The room goes silent as I stare into my lap in shame. Minutes feeling like hours in the trapped situation I'm in. "I understand if you have to let me go sir-"

"That won't be necessary. You are one of the best here at such a young age. I'll have a word with Jen but I will say this, Ms. Chae."

I gulp and look up at him. "Date the kid I don't care." He smiles brightly. My eyes widen. "W-What?"

"He seems very comfortable with you. I wouldn't put it pass him to crush on you. You're a very attractive young lady." He smiles brightly and stands in his seat. "Oh uhh-"

"They'll need you up in the dance studio for hair."

"Y-Yes sir." Quickly walking to the elevator, I get a text from my mother.

Hey hun! I was thinking when you got off work or whenever you're available we have some hang out time?🥰

Sure . I'll have to see.

Okay great. Love you buns have fun!


My mom's nickname for me is buns. I wore my hair in a bun a lot when I was younger. I only wore started wearing my hair down when I was 13. The devilish time of my life.

"Hey where's Hoseok?"

"Why do you need to know?" Jen furiously whispers from behind me. "It's my job. I don't understand what you have against me working with him when you have a boyfriend, Jen." I give her an annoyed look.

I'm going through too much today. I can't afford to lose it right now. "How do you-"

"You tried to get me fired today, Jen. I don't like the person you are. You should be a better unnie instead of such a horrible person." She gives me a shocked look but I completely ignore it and walk over to the others.

"Hey. You okay? You seem....off." Hoseok looks into my eyes with a worried expression. I can't tell him. He'll leave.

"I'm fine. Let's start." I fake a smile. Sitting my bag down, I grab my things out and hide my emotions as best as I can. "You know you can tell me anything right?" He rubs my arm, giving me goosebumps. I don't respond instead I style his hair and keep quiet.

I look up and see Mr. Bang gesturing me to come over there with a grin. "I'll be back." I walk over to him. "Pull him in the hallway and talk with him. You don't look too well, do you need a day off?"

"No sir. I'm okay. I'll have a talk with him." I bow and nervously walk over to Hoseok. "Boss wants me to talk with you in the hall for a few moments."

We walk into the hallway together. "What's going on with you? You've been silent and you're hurt." I lower my head and sigh. "I-I'm fine-"


I don't look into his eyes only to find mines have become wet and pouring like a faucet, silently. "Hey look at me. Whatever is causing you to cry like this tell me so I can make you feel better." He lifts my chin and wipes my tears.

"You won't go anywhere. Pinky promise?"

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