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[Hoseok's pov]

I check my phone to see if Marlo texted but she didn't. I'm feeling a little worried but I don't want to seem as an annoyance. I sigh and throw on a hoodie thinking over if I should call to check on her.

"Yah! Hyung do you know where my deodorant is? It's the spray deodorant Namjoon hyung had to buy for me before he broke my other one in Vegas!" Jungkook yells out from our room.

"Yeah." I grab his deodorant and bring it to him. "You okay hyung?" Jungkook nudges me. "I'm just worried about Marlo. She hasn't texted me back yet and I feel like something is wrong." I plop on my bed and check my phone.

"She texted!" I happily jolt up and open her message.

Hobi I need your help.

Everything alright?

I need somewhere to sleep. Do you know I safe place?

Gosh what happened? Where are you?

I'm at the hospital right now.

I'm on my way.

No! You're an idol

Glasses, hoodie, & a mask. I'm coming

Be safe💜

[Marlo's pov]

I look to Shelly. Seeing her bruises and scars send shivers down my spine. Hoseok is coming to get me. "My friend is coming to get me but I promise everything with be okay Shell. Whoever did this to you will pay for it." I hold her hand as tears fall from my eyes.

"We got the police involved." Shelly's mother and father came in from the UK. Her parent's accents are strong but hers is a little weaker although you can hear it when she pronounces certain words.

"Good. Please take good care of Shell-"

"You're such a good friend, Marlo. Go home. Eat healthy. We'll take care of her darling." Her father always took care of us when we were in college so he felt like a real father to me. "Thank you. Enjoy your night." I grab my bag and make my way to the elevator and on the first floor.

A man dressed in a black hoodie with sunglasses and a mask on gestures for me to come closer. I raise my brow until he lowers his glasses and I start to understand. It's Hobi.

He grabs my bag for me and helps me inside of his car as we drive away. I remain quiet. "What happened? You're shaken up, you randomly popped up at the hospital tonight, and now I'm taking you home again." Hobi looks over to me with confusion and concern written all over his face.

"I can't go back home."

"Why? What happened?"

"I just need to get a hotel or something." I sigh and take a look at the time on my phone.


My phone starts ringing. It's mom.


"Hey I'm going on a girls trip with the ladies. I already had a talk with your father and you know how he is."

"O-Okay. Be safe."

"Have fun with that handsome boy. I think he's crushing on you!"


"I love you."

"I love you too mom. No drinking. Bye."

"You know I don't drink. Bye!" She hangs up the phone and sit back in my seat, silent. "She really cares about you."

I try to ignore it but I can't. I want to cry again but I can't. Why is he caring for me like this? I don't get it. "Stay with me tonight. You're shaken up."

"No it's fine. I'll find a hotel."

"I'm not comfortable with that. You can sleep in my bed or I can spend the rest of the night with you to make sure you're okay."

I mute. I don't want to make him angry at me. It's scary. It's scary having a guy rage, yelling and screaming at you.

He walks me in and the others kind of look in shock but excitement. "Hi." I speak lowly knowing I might fall apart. I bow stand behind Hoseok a little out of fear of what happened to me earlier. "She's staying with us for the night." Hoseok removes his things and sets them aside.

Looking up at him I see how passionate he is about making sure I'm okay. "Ouu yay!" Jimin jumps excitedly making his others laugh at his actions. Hoseok grabs my hand and my bag, walking me to a room.

"What happened tonight Marlo?" He softens up while setting my bag down to the side and sitting on one of the beds. I take a deep breath, breathing in and breathing out.

"I walked in the house and heard someone laughing in my room so I ran back downstairs to grab a kitchen knife with my hands on the phone. On my way back up the stairs the laughter stopped so I thought I left my radio on or something. I opened the door a-and then I'm thrown against the wall. I-I start trembling and drop the knife and phone. I can't remember if I stabbed the person or not. H-He touched me, grabbing my breasts a-and-"

I look into my lap feeling my tears fall from my eyes. "I'll spend the rest of the night with you. Where did the man go?"

"I pushed him off and he fell out the window. He drove off so I packed a bag and left."

"Come here." I come to him and he hugs me as I sob into his shoulder. "You're not alone."

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