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"Why haven't you told your mother about this yet?"

"She would be broken. You seen how much she loves me."

"You're her daughter, Marlo. What do I have to do to convince you to get out of that bed and tell her?"


"I'll come pick you up. Get dressed okay?"


"See you soon." With that he hangs up the phone. I climb out of bed and quickly dress into a hoodie and black joggers. I put on my shoes and wait on the couch. "Hey how was the phone call with Hobi?"

"He's driving me home to talk with my mother about my father."

"I'm proud of you Marlo." Shelly hugs me tight. "I think I'm ready." I plop back on the couch and wait for Hoseok to come get me. After a while there's a knock on our door. "You ready?"

I take a deep breath and shake my head. "Not at all but who's ever ready for a war?" I smile slightly. "I'll be by your side. Let's go." I grab his hand and we get inside of his car. "How did I let you talk me into this?" I nervously tap my foot.

He puts his hand on my thigh rubbing it a little. "Breathe." Is all he says then giving me a warm smile. I turn on his radio and look out the window while breathing in and out.

Hoseok takes my hand and walks me to the door. My mother answers it. "Hey baby and my baby's boyfriend." My mom smiles and pulls me into a hug. "Mom he's not my boyfriend." I mumble in her shoulder.

"Yet. What brings you here? It's the sunset." She allows us in and sits on the couch with us. "I-I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" Her smile disappears into a worried expression. "Where's dad?" I look around a little but only with my eyes. "He's at the store getting something for us. Why? What's wrong?"

I look to Hoseok and he holds my hand. "I moved out because of dad. I couldn't take it anymore and I didn't want you to be disappointed and upset with me for not telling you-"

"Gosh Lolo what is it?"

"He touched me. H-He did things with me when I turned 13 you shouldn't do with your daughter." I lower my head in shame as tears fall loosely. The room becomes quiet. But only for few seconds. "It's not your fault. At all." She sniffles and quickly grabs her phone out of her pocket.

"Go lock the door." She signals. I quickly do as she says. She calls the police and quickly runs upstairs. "I'm proud of you Marlo." Hobi brings me into a hug while holding me close to him. "Really?"

"Of course. Don't doubt yourself." He combs my hair with his hands. The door bell rings and my mother tosses luggages and bags down the stairs then quickly jogs to the door. She opens it slightly revealing my father.

"Hey baby-"

"Don't baby me." I retreat from Hobi and meet my father's jealous glare. "Hands up!" I hear an officer yell. I bury myself back into Hobi and tightly hold onto him. "Breathe remember? In and out." He kisses my forehead and strokes my hair. I focus on my breathing blocking out all sound around me.

"Miss." I feel someone sit next to me. I look up and it's a male officer. "We can either bring you down or talk here."

I look back at Hoseok and then back to the officer. "I was 13 when it all started.." I tell the officer everything while he takes notes on what I say. "Do you have any proof not saying I don't believe because I do but do you know anywhere he may have-"

"There's a box upstairs in my parents room with tapes of me under the bed labelled 'work equipment'." I look to my mother and notice how upset, angry, and overall hurt she is. "I'll show you my room." My mother leads the officers to it and I was right. It's still there.

"I'm so proud of you." They both hug me tightly. "For what?"

"You got that disgusting idiot locked up." Shelly squeezes me and kisses my cheeks a thousand times. "Shelly!" I giggle as she finally let's me go. An idea finally popped in my head.

"Shelly do you still have that hidden camera in your room?"

"Yeah why?"

"Was it recording when that accident happened?"

She gasps and quickly grabs her phone. "Do you want me to leave-"

"No. Please stay." I grab his arm and quickly move away with a blush face. "Do you remember the date?"

"It was the last tour date so yeah." I plug in the date and the video pops up. "I knew it!"

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