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"Hi my name is Marlo. I got an email that you were short on staff?"

"Yes actually. I went through your credentials and the thing that sticks out of me is you graduated from Cosmetology school?"

"Yes sir."

"I'll go over your papers and get back to you. I think you are perfect for the job. Welcome to BigHit."

I shake the older man's hand and bow. "Thank you sir. I won't disappoint you." I smile brightly. I desperately need this job. Every salon pushes me away because they see the "fresh out of college" part. I really want to pursue something I love so much.

"When do I start?"

"In 2 days. Pack your bags. I'll give you all the information you need. Enjoy the rest of your day." He allows me to leave his office.

I walk down the hallway to the elevator and smile at the young woman and young man in here with me.

I wonder who I'll be styling constantly. I wonder if he or she will be kind to me or very rude. "Hey. What's your name?" The young lady speaks to me, looking down at me because I am shorter. "Marlo. Chae Marlo."

"New staff?"


"Ahh welcome to the team. A girl got fired just yesterday for smoking around the boys. You must be her replacement." She smiles mischievously but in a way I feel safe near her. "Oh really? Smoking is bad for the body and others around."

"It's a very big rule here but you'll last." She laughs lightly. Before I could ask for her name the doors open and it's my floor. "Nice talk kid." She smiles and cutely waves. I smile and quickly walk to my car.

I drive home and hesitantly open the door.

My life isn't great. It only lasted a purpose until the age of 13 until my soul was taken from me by my father. That day everything stopped.

I nervously twist the door knob and race to my room, locking the door behind me. "Marlo are you home? Come say hi to your father." My dad knocks on my door politely.

"Y-Yes I'm home. I-I have to pack." I quickly shove my clothes and important items to me in my suitcase. The same suitcase I used to hide in when I was younger and was always very successful until that day.


"Where the hell do you think you're going huh?? To meet some boy?!" The drunken man bangs on the door again causing me to jolt. "N-No I got t-that job that I went for a-and I have to t-travel."


"Marlo I bought you chicken!" I hear my mom on the other side of the door. She has no idea what my father does to me. What he did to me.

She only knows how bad he gets when he gets drunk. "O-Omma?" I look through the crack of my door. "Honey are you okay? Open the door." I unlock the door and let her in.

"Did you get the job?"

"Yeah. I have to travel a lot so I won't be around." I fake a smile so she thinks everything is okay. "That's great! I'm so proud of my baby girl!" She hugs me and shakes me back and forth. I look up and see my father, rubbing himself.

He walks away as me and my mother depart from the hug. I've been terrified to tell her everything so I kept quiet. "I'm gonna stay over Shelly's tonight."

"Again? But you just got home and I miss cooking you meals." She pinches my cheeks. I clear my throat, partly showing my dimples, and nod. "Yeah I have to be in a comfortable Inviroment-"

"You aren't comfortable here at home?"

No mother.

"Of course I just want to spend some time with my friends a little." I weakly smile. "Okay. I love you. You know that right?"

"Of course."

"Good because if you didn't I was going to buy you another Gucci bag." My mom smiles and exits my room, shutting the door behind her.

My mother is the bread maker in our "home". I don't like living off of someone else's bank account even if it's just my mother so I decided to go to college and get a well paying job. I call Shelly to let her know I'm coming.

I grab everything I can and drive to Shelly's.

She's someone I met during college and always takes care of me.

I don't know what I'd do without her.

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