18 [FINAL]

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I wake up in Hoseok's arms my underwear is back on along with his.

He must've fixed me up before we fell asleep.

My heart feels warm at the thought of it. "H-Hobi." I tug on his shirt to wake him. "Morning." He kisses my forehead and I bury my head in his chest. "You were great last night." I grip his shirt feeling embarrassed. "Stop that~" He chuckles lowly and manages to get me to face him.

"I'm going to make sure I continue to make you smile, blush, laugh, and feel like yourself. You're making my heart race right now." Hoseok grab my hand placing it on his chest.

It's beating like he just ran a race.

I grab his hand and place it on my chest. "That makes me feel good." He smiles brightly and hugs me tightly, nuzzling his face into my neck. "Hobi shouldn't-"

"I want you to myself for a few more moments before they take my baby from me." He whines. "No ones gonna take me away from you. I promise." My voice sounding lower than before he lifts his head and looks at me.

"You're truly too good for me." We climb out of bed and brush our teeth together. "I'll get dressed in the bathroom-"

"Wait." I shyly grab Hobi's wrist. "What is it?" He looks a little shocked. "Don't leave." I mumble looking away from him. "You're comfortable changing in the same wrong with me?" I nod. He kisses my cheek and locks the door.

It's habit when I come over for me to want the doors locked because of everything that happened.

"Don't stare too much. I know I'm irresistible." Hoseok smiles making me feel warmer inside. "Pfft you wish." I change into my outfit I planned to wear today and notice at the corner of my eye Hoseok looking a little in awe as he watched me.

" I change into my outfit I planned to wear today and notice at the corner of my eye Hoseok looking a little in awe as he watched me

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"Perv. I'm the irresistible one." I giggle. "Yeah you're right. I'm your boyfriend I'm allowed to be a perv. My eyes are only for you." Hoseok quickly dresses himself then hugs me, showering me with kisses.

"You look beautiful." Hoseok kisses my cheek. I can't help but smile so big. "I love that smile." "Stop that~ I'll burst." I giggle and wrap my arms around his body.

I unlock the door and soon after a knock comes. "Morning Marlo." Jimin smiles and waves. I let him in and Hoseok keeps his eyes on me. "Morning Hobi hyung." Jimin hugs life out of Hoseok making them both burst into laughter.

"I don't want to do that to Marlo because I'll be a dead Chim so I'm bothering you." I grab my polariod sitting on Hoseok's dresser. I snap a picture and smile waiting for it to process.

"W-Wait can you delete that?" Hobi's face lights up and it's super cute. "You can't delete a polariod picture. I'm keeping it." I smile seeing the photo come out. "It's so cute." I smile showing the 2 goofballs.

"Stop it! I'm single." Jimin let's go of Hoseok with a pouty face. "Ah hyung your up." Namjoon peeps through the door. "Hey Namjoon." I smile but he ignores me. He only looks at me with a disappointed look. "Hoseok can we talk for a second?" "Yeah sure." Hobi meets Namjoon in the hallway or where ever they went.

"Jimin what was that about?" I feel a sting in my heart. "I'm sure it's just them talking." Jimin smiles but I don't smile back.

Why did Namjoon look at me like that? What are they talking about? What did I do! What did I do? What did i-

"You're over thinking, Marlo." Jimin puts his arm around me but I remove it. "Ouch." "Too bad." I mumble staring at the door waiting for Hobi. "Aish Marlo don't be so harsh on me-" "Cut that out alright?!" I didn't realize how loud I yelled that until afterwards.

Hoseok and Namjoon come back looking nervous. "Marlo don't be mad at me but we set you up." Hoseok looks as if I'm going to hit him. I notice a camera by the door.

"I'M SORRY! I'LL NEVER HURT YOU. YOU'RE A REALLY GOOD FRIEND TO ME." Jimin squeezes my arms while I'm still confused. "W-What?" I rub Jimin's back making him loosen his grip and get off of me.

I stand up in front of them. "We got Jimin to hit on you to see if you would flirt back." Namjoon speaks up. "Why did you do that?" My voice turns soft and my hands start shaking so I hide them behind me.

"Marlo-" "It's fine. I think I'm going to go for a walk." I fake a smile and grab my phone quickly exiting the room.

[Hoseok's POV]


I fucked up." I face palm feeling like an idiot. "Just wait until she gets back." Namjoon rubs my back. "I know that smile Namjoon. I'm not going to." I grab my keys and my phone practically running after her.

"Where is she?" I feel my heart climbing out of my throat but it's stuck. Right in the middle. "She ran out a few seconds ago. Is everything okay hyung?" Taehyung looks confused but mostly concerned.

"Thank you." I ran out and see her waiting by the elevator. The doors open. "MARLO?!" I run towards her and she's already turned around. "I'm so sorry for hurting you. I'm such an idiot I know." I decide not touch her because of how fragile she is.

"I- It's okay. I'm fine." She quickly wipes her tears and tries to fake a smile but my heart only shatters. "No don't cry. I'm happy so you should be too." Marlo wipes my falls tears. "I'm hurting because I know you're hurt. The fake smile you give me isn't enough to fill my heart. Tell me if it isn't okay. Just because we're dating doesn't make it any different from before."

"I saw you shake earlier. I also saw your heart drop. I'm really really-" Marlo stands on her tippy toes and cutely kisses my lips. "Kiss me back!" Her cute pout makes me smile. I grab her waist and lower myself so she doesn't have to be on her tippy toes.

I kiss her passionately not wanting to let Marlo go. Ever. "There's that smile." I kiss her lips again and see her blush like crazy. "Can I take you back now?" I nervously look in her eyes.

Marlo hugs my body, cutely slamming her herself into my chest. "I love you." Marlo shyly mumbles. "Too shy to look me in the eyes and tell me that?"

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