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Hoseok and I spend some time just talking and making videos on TikTok. "It's getting dark out." I look up at Hobi who's eyes haven't left mine the entire time. "Let's get some food." I take a good look at the view once again and nod.

He grabs my hand and leads me to his car. "The view is still beautiful." I smile taking another look at it. "Just like you." Hobi gives me a cute look but I don't dare to look up at him. "Don't act like that." I laugh a little looking away from his hard gaze.

"I'm not acting. I'm serious. You're a really beautiful girl."  He laughs lightly and holds my hand tight. I don't say anything but smile like a dork with my head down. "Come on. Let me get you fed."

"I'm not a dog I can feed myself."

"That's cute. You think I'm going to let you pay." Hoseok eyes me down tilting his head a little. I bite the inside of my lip a little trying to get rid of my nerves. The nervousness in my stomach doesn't go away feeling his eyes ray down on me.

He opens the door for me and I quickly hop in. Hoseok hops in the car as well and before he speaks my phone starts ringing.


"Ms. Chae Marlo correct?"


"Shelly will be going in surgery in a few days to remove a pieces of glasses and a smaller piece of wood from her legs. She will make it and will be okay we just need for her surgery to be paid for-"

"I'll pay for it."

"You're a really good friend Ms. Chae. Enjoy your evening."

Hoseok gives me a concerned look but I try my best to ignore his eye contact. As long as Shelly is okay. "What happened? You don't look too well." Hoseok grabs my hand and kisses it almost making me gasp a little.

"I'm fine." I keep my eyes on the area we're going. "You don't trust me?" Hobi asks with a hint of sadness.

"I-I do I-"

"Don't bottle those feelings up. Talk to me."

I sigh. He's right. Why am I hiding from the man I have feelings for? I don't wanna push him away I'm just scared. "My friend Shelly is going in surgery in a few days from being brutally beaten. That was the doctor that had called so I'm paying for everything."

"You're going through a lot. No wonder you wanted to spend some time with me. You need a break." He massages my hands. I stay quiet.

"Pace yourself. Gosh you're like Jungkook almost. You never let yourself catch a break."


"Your dad isn't home is he? I'm sure as hell not letting you walk in there if he is." Hoseok doesn't unlock the door. "He's not. He went on a week trip so I'm okay."

"Please move out. I'm really concerned." Hobi moves his hair back and sighs. I remain quiet. I'm scared to say anything because of how he might react. "I'll walk you up to your door." He exits the car and opens my side for me.

"Thank you." I finally unmute myself trying to not make my feeling for him obvious. "You don't have to thank me. I'm perfectly okay with taking care of you." We stop in front of my door. I grab my keys out and can't help but bite my lip a little.

"I had fun spending time with you." I look back up at him. "I did too. Be safe and contact me when you need me." Hobi pulls me into a hug then places a kiss on my forehead making me blush crazily at his lips touching me. Unfortunately, it isn't the kiss I want but for now it's what I'll take.

"Drive safe, Hobi." I peck his cheek and unlock the door. "I will." He smiles to himself and gets in the car. I watch him drive off before I enter the house. Happiness over takes my body once I walk up to my room.

Before I could open my door I hear a low chuckle on the other side along with moaning noises, like a pornographic site.

[Hoseok's pov]

"How was your little date?" Namjoon bugs me. "It wasn't a date! It was just 2 childhood friends re-uniting and spending time with each other." I put my keys on the table and hold back my smile.

"Lies! You're as happy as Jungkook finding out I bought him more food." Yoongi lightly smacks my back with laughter erupting from him. "Nah as happy as Taehyung at the US art Museums." Jungkook chuckles.

"Yah! Stop teasing me!" I smile like an idiot and walk up to my shared room. I should text her and make sure she's okay. I'll shoot her a quick message before I wash up.

Hey Marlo! I had fun with you today💜

She doesn't respond quickly as usual so I try to ignore it and shower.


[Marlo's pov]

"GET OFF OF ME!?" I scream for the figure dressed in black to stop touching my thighs and near my breasts. I manage to build enough strength to push the person off of me and out into my already open window.

I gasp and look out the window. The man starts laughing and quickly rushes to a vehicle, speeding away. My phone dings and it's from Hoseok. I'm in shock.

I cant stay here, I'm not okay. I break down in tears as the thoughts replay of that man putting his hands on my breasts and leaving a large hickey on my neck. I can't stay here.

I quickly pack a bag and leave.

I need to see Shelly.

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