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A few weeks pass. Hoseok and I become really close, he even texts me often and calls to check on me. I never confronted Jen on her telling me she likes Hoseok while having a boyfriend.

I'm currently getting Hoseok ready for their Ellen DeGeneres show. These boys are so lucky! I used to watch her when I was younger. "Going on in 20 minutes. " Another staff yells out. I finish getting Hoseok ready and decide to clean up my area.

They'll be up there for a while until they go up for their performance. "You always do a really good job." Hoseok compliments and smiles as he checks himself out in the mirror. "Thanks." I smile to myself at his compliment.

Jen pulls me over to the side and gives me a harsh look. "What? You look upset?" I try to get it out of her quickly so I can straighten up my section. "Why are you flirting with Hoseok? I told you I liked him!" She yells at me and I notice some others looking at us.

"This is a personal situation during a professional area. I'm friends with someone I have to work with. I'm not doing this here with you." I try to walk away but she grabs my arm digging her nails into my skin.

"Yah! Let go." I push her a little hard to get her off. "Can you cut that out." Glaring at Jen for taking it too far, I walk back to my section and quietly clean up my area, holding back tears from my many flashbacks.

I don't like being grabbed and touched, makes me feel violated. It makes me feel like something worse is going to happen like me having to fight. Everytime I fight I hurt that person really badly, hospitalized. I hate it.

I feel a hand touch my shoulder and I instantly flinch. "Hey is everything alright?" I turn around and it's just Namjoon, well Rm is what they call him. The camera guy was walking around so I just nod and grab my phone out of my bag.

"Hoseok hyung said you can wear his black hoodie he bought last night. He hid a band-aid in there for you." Namjoon takes a look at me arm and I quickly cover it.

"Thank you." I quickly bow. I put the hoodie on, englufing the scent of Hoseok. It's kind of big on me but it fits my attire. "Are you alright?" Namjoon asks again. "I'm fine." I respond almost low enough for him not to catch it.

"Why was Jen yelling at you like that? You don't seem-"

"It's f-fine. Thanks for checking on me." I don't make any eye contact with him because I know I'll burst into tears. He sighs and backs away from me.

The boys get out there on the stage so the other staff decide to watch on the TV's. I run to the closest restroom and shut the door behind me.

I take out the band-aid and there's a cute note written on it.


Hoseok always mentions that I'm Namjoon's mini twin because we both have deep dimples. I smile to myself and lift up my sleeve to take care of the scratch Jen left on my arm.

"Ahh done!" My phone dings and I'm hoping it's mom telling me she got the package I got yesterday but it's not.

Can't wait until you come home💦

My heart races faster and faster. I tremble and fall on the bathroom ground and cry into my arms.

I don't want to live like this. I have to move out. I don't know how to leave without telling my mother. I wipe my tears and go back to the room where everyone is watching the guys.

I decide to take a seat a little away from the others and watch it as well. "Hey come closer and sit with us." Ron smiles. Jen gives me a smile but I know it isn't real. "No it's okay." I smile.

I notice Ron blush a little but I ignore it and focus my attention on the TV.

-Time Skip-

We all hustle to get the boys changed and ready into their different looks. My hands tremble from the text message but I make sure to get Hoseok's makeup and hair completed perfectly.

"Marlo you okay?" He asks but I only nod. "Is something bothering you?"

I shake my head. I let him go, going through my work to make sure it's perfect for me, and gather my things to be ready to leave. "We'll talk later." Hoseok sighs and gives me worried eyes.

He has no idea about my father and his disgusting ways. No one does but Shelly. He gets up and goes with the others. "Hey you okay?" Moni, Jungkook's stylist, asks. "I'm fine thanks." I grab my 2 bags and set them together, making sure the bags aren't able to opened by anyone but me.

Moni grabs my hand and pulls me into the hallway, gently shutting the door. She's a pretty tall girl but only at Jimin's chin. "Can I tell you a little story about myself?" She let's go of my hand.


"When I was 15 my mother passed away and I was forced to live with her brother. At first everything went smoothly until he became touchy with me. Everyday coming home from school, he'd try to move his hand up my skirt and then things escalated. I think you know where this type of story is going so I'll speed it up. Everything stopped when I turned 19 thanks to those guys. They were in need of a team so I hopped on the job. They said something on stage that gave me the confidence to put my uncle in jail. They said "Let me be your happiness. Use us for your happiness and way out" so I did exactly that." She smiled brightly at me.

I relate to her story so much but I know I'll never get that type of confidence. I didn't even realize the tears that had trickled down my face as she was talking. "Why did you tell me that?"

"Because something inside me tells me that you're going through a very scary situation and you feel you have no way out of it."

I lower my head as tears fall quickly from my eyes like a rainy day. "Lift your chin. Listen kid, you're so young, beautiful, and talented. Don't let anyone stop you. Whatever is happening with you don't let that destroy you. Destroy it." She lifts me chin and pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you."

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