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I spill out everything to him. He holds my hands once I stop talking.

"I'll talk to boss to get you somewhere else to live-"

"No! I-It's fine." I try to move my hands but he only pulls me into a hug. "I'll help you. Trust me." Hoseok rubs my back giving me chills and making me blush a little. "Hoseok-"

"Yah call me Hobi."

"Hobi don't do anything. I'll handle it." I let go of Hobi but he doesn't let go of me, with his hands still hugging my waist. He sighs deeply. "Let me help. Please. You'll break my heart." Hoseok smiles.

I nervously laugh and move his hands remembering we're still at work. "I-I should-"

"We'll talk later." Hoseok sparks his smile at me again and walks away. My heart races again thinking about it. Thinking about him. I look around and notice the security cameras around.

I smile to myself knowing at least if I die here someone will know how. Terrible thought but why not. I walk back in there and see the boys getting their hair fixed up. I touch up Hoseok's hair and add light makeup to his face.

I feel eyes on me but I don't pay much attention. I touch up his hair a little and let him go. "Amazing job as always." Hoseok smiles and looks up at me before he stands up. "Thanks Hobi." I smile back at him.

He looks at me for a few moments and walks away. I talk with the other hair and makeup stylists as we watch them record for their dance practice video.

I am kind of sad I never had the chance to fully watch Hoseok dance when I was younger but I always admire him for his passion. "They're so talented." Moni whispers. "Yeah. I love their passion. It's motivating." I smile watching Hoseok do his thing.

"I hope it motivates you to become more confident." Moni nudges. "What?"

"I see the way you look at him. Although on camera it probably won't be as noticeable because fans push it off as us being lucky to work with them but I see it."

I blush a little. "We're just close childhood friends."

"Ahh no wonder he's so smiley with you." Moni points at Hoseok and he glances over at me. My heart beats again. "Remember when I pulled you in the hallway and told you my story?"


"I have a feeling you're going through a similar situation and I hope you find the confidence to bring yourself out of that hole." Moni smiles and walks away before I could say anything.

I wish I had the confidence, but I'm built on fear. I'm terrified of the man in that house, the house I no longer call home because of his monstrous activities. I cry almost every single day because of the things he did to me.

He hasn't touched me in months. I'd love to keep it that way.

"Done!" The voice yells out bringing me back into reality. The boys come out of their positions and down the water that is given to them.


I grab my bag and head for the door. "Hey! Marlo wait up!" I turn around to the familiar voice. I gulp a little and kind of look away from him. "I was wondering if you wanted to maybe hangout with me later?" Hoseok smiles, looking down at me with hopeful eyes.

"Uh sure." I nervously stand kind of squeezing my bag. "Let me walk with you." He grabs my bag for me. I notice the others behind him. Gosh I'm an idiot! I shouldn't be dragging him away from his friends.

"What about the others?"

Hoseok turns around and the others are giving him thumbs up. What does that mean? "Go!" Namjoon smiles. Hobi shrugs and grabs my hand, leading me out of the room and to the elevator. "Hobi."

He hums as I catch his attention. "Where are we going later?" I look up in his very gorgeous eyes. I can't help myself but smile a little. "I want to spend some time with my childhood friend." He grabs my hand again but kisses it this time. I stay silent and look in the other direction.


"Hey you're home! Your dad went out on a week trip so we've got the house." Mom smiles and pulls me into a hug. I let out a huge sigh of relief. She gives me a confused look but I give her an assuring smile. "My friend wants to hang out with me later so I was wondering if we could do a make over day."

"Great! To your closet!" She drags me upstairs and up to my room. We go through all my clothes and finally find the right outfit. We do each other's hair and makeup, styling each other.

"Gosh that school really gave you the best skills."

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