24 | She Says Yes

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"I'M PARIS...Damian's girlfriend, "

She sounded so serious and even looked it. Her words stab me in my heart, ruining my mood. I couldn't breath anymore, not knowing what to say. My mind was flooding up again with questions. I wanted to cry, my heart was breaking with every second that passes by as I stand here with Damian and his girlfriend. Girlfriend which he never told me about.

She is so pretty, so naturally beautiful. I can see why Damian would like her. I'm pretty sure she's able to give him a heir.

She suddenly laugh, pushing me gently, "I'm just kidding, girl. You should have see your face."

I look at her confused while she just laughs at me, making Damian shake his head disapprovingly, "Arie."

Arie rolls her eyes at Damian, pulling me away to the side with a smile, "Anyways, I'm Arie Montefalco."

"Alyssa Keller," I said quietly, not happy at the moment. She just messed with my feelings earlier. I nearly cried out of heartbreak.

"Alyssa, you just proved me right," Arie sighs with a satisfied smile as we look out into the ocean.

The yacht hasn't sailed and I think we're waiting for a few more guests. There were girls dancing with some guys, enjoying their drinks.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"Earlier, your reaction was priceless. It was heartbreak, confusion, and a bit of jealousy," Arie tells me, "You love Damian, but from what Damian told me, something seems to be keeping you away from him."

"He told you about me?" I ask curiously after turning to see that Damian had went somewhere, leaving me with Arie outside.

She rolls her eyes, annoyed, "Girl, he can't keep his mouth shut during our meetings. He makes sure we keep an eye on you."

I sigh, looking down at my hands that rested on the railing,"I don't even know why people are trying to kill me."

Arie turns to me with a smile, "Don't worry, we'll protect you. I enjoy playing with guns."

"Thank you," I give her a thankful smile, then gasping in shock when someone accidentally spills their drink on me. "O my God."

"Ugh, Aria, you fucking clumsy girl, look what you did!" Arie scolded the girl who had spilled her drink on me. The girl had the same hair and actually, they looked alike. "This is my little sister Aria. Clumsy girl."

"I'm sorry," Aria apologized, not knowing what to do.

Damian walks up to the scene where I was soaked in red wine, standing awkwardly between the sisters. One looked feisty, the other innocent looking. "Angel, what happened?"

"I'm so-sorry, I-" Aria piped up, but Arie glares at her, "Shut it. Come on Alyssa. I have extra clothes you can wear." She drags me away into the cabin, rummaging through her duffel bag once we got there.

I stand awkwardly, looking at my soaked dress. My knee was hurting a bit again so I decided to sit down as I wait, but then a knock came after a few minutes and Arie still hadn't found something for me to wear.

"Yes?" Arie shouts, throwing some of her things aside. I eye the clothes thrown aside, they were all short. I hope she doesn't give me anything short to wear. Its cold and I don't want my bruise to be exposed.

The door slides open and I smile happily when I see Malu outside, holding a duffel bag. She smiles at me, entering, making Arie stop and turn around with a grin.

"Luna!" Arie said excitedly, pulling Malu into a hug which Malu didn't want at all, seeing her reaction.

"Do not call me that," Malu groans in annoyance as she set the bag down.

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