30 | Eyes On Alyssa

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                  STARING at my phone, I look at her beautiful face as she smiles widely at the camera. My heart longs for her. I miss this beautiful girl very very much. Words can't describe how I feel right now, knowing there's nothing I can do to bring her back.

Malea Moralez, the one girl I've ever loved and would put my life on the line for, is gone.

I clench my hand before taking another shot of vodka, trying to stop feeling this way. It's all my fault. She's gone because of me. I should never have made her a part of my life. Maybe if I pushed her away, she wouldn't have been involved in my crazy mafia life. A life I never asked for, a life I wanted to throw away and start fresh with her hands in mine. She loved me and her life ended up being taken away by my family's orders.

I miss you. I cry inside, staring at her picture. I have to marry someone else. I couldn't save you in time. But I promise I'll protect your family.

Taking another shot, I groan, heart heavy with sadness and anger. It was too much. I despise my own family and feel disgusted that I'm their blood. My own father will do anything for himself over his own son. His wishes always mattered before mine.

"Give it back," I said, trying to control my rage when she snatches my phone from behind, coming to stand in front of me with a very short dress.

"No," She smiles, putting my phone in her bra, making me stand up, towering over her, "If you want it, get it."

"Give it to me, Tarrah," I said sternly, staring at her with hard eyes. I can't believe I have to marry this girl. Of all girls, my stupid ass family want me to marry this girl. How ridiculous.

She bites her lips in a seductive manner as she looks up at me, leaning back as she sits down on the arms of the couch. My phone somewhere on her chest behind her disgusting outfit.

"Come on, touch them. It's all yours," Tarrah said with pouty lips, making me even more disgusted.

"You are disgusting," I snap, pulling her up to her feet roughly, making her stumble, almost falling because of her high heels. She winces in pain but manages to stand straight properly. I grip her wrist tightly, "Give. Me. My. Phone. Now." I do not want to reach for my phone like that. I'm not like that. I respect woman. And I miss my woman so bad.

"Ouch, you're hurting me," Tarrah said.

I grip her wrist even more and she reaches into her bra, pulling out my phone. I reach for a napkin and using it to retrieve my phone from her. I let go of her wrist roughly, sending her stumbling back as I turn around to leave. I didn't want to be near her at all. She's been clinging to me a lot and doing things I've never asked for. I don't want her and it drives her crazy.

My heart belongs to Lea. And she died with my heart with her.

"One day...soon...you'll want me. You'll give in to me. I'll make you," she shouts from the back, making me stop but not turning around. "You will marry me and there's nothing you can do. YOU ARE MINE, XANDER! MINE ALONE!"

I smirk, shaking my head, "You can try, but will never succeed."

She makes a frustrated sound and before I leave the room, I say without turning around, "Oh...if you ever try to hurt her again, you will regret it."

With that said, I leave her alone, hearing her shout in anger with the sound of bottles crashing on the floor following after.



                        SMILING, I get out of the limo and wait for my date to join me before walking down the red carpet. Damian gives me a smile, putting his arm forward for me to link mine with. I put mine around his and together we walked down the carpet with cameras flashing in our direction. I smile while Damian just looks forward with a serious face.

Today, I'm keeping my promise with Lora by coming to watch her show. Fabio and Malu were paired up behind us while Nico was walking last as solo. Lora was already inside, getting ready for her night. We find our seats in the front row, getting a good view. While waiting, I lean on Damian's shoulder and he places a kiss on my head, making me smile instantly. I look across me to the other side of the stage, feeling uncomfortable when I see him.

It's that guy with shades on. He was looking directly at me and it was making me very uncomfortable as I sit there. With his shades on, I'm not sure if he's looking at me or not, but it was weird.

I turn away when the host announced the show will start in 10 minutes, trying to ignore the man. I've seen him before when I was on stage, but I don't know who he is at all.

"You okay?" Damian asked me when he noticed me being uncomfortable.

I give him a smile, "I'm okay."

"Tell me if you need something okay?" He said, putting his arm behind me on my chair. I nod at him, looking at the stage then to the man.

He is still looking at me!

But what if he's blind?

I wasn't feeling well so I stood up, telling Damian I needed to go to the CR. Malu stands up, following me. Of course, I can't go off without a guard. The boys tell us to hurry back and I walk quickly away, feeling eyes on me as I walk out.

            UNKNOWN POV

             SMIRKING, I watch as my target and her dumb bitch friend walk away probably to go use the restroom. I follow after them and I was right. They were going to the restroom. My target enters the restroom while her friend stays outside near the door, on guard.

I make sure I don't look recognizable first before taking a deep breath. Walking out of the spot I was hiding at, I make my way to the restroom, not looking at my target's friend. I enter the restroom and just my luck. My target left her purse out on the sink while she's using the toilet. There was another girl in the restroom and she immediately runs into the stall and I make a face of disgust when I heard her vomiting. I waste no time, and do what I came here to do.

I blow out a breath in relief when I finished doing my plan on time just as  my target comes out of the stall. Looking into the mirror, I watch as she opens her purse and starts retouching her makeup. She doesn't look at me and I wash my hands before walking out, passing the guard with a smirk.

"Well?" I said over the phone after dialing a number.

"Mission successful,"

"Good." I smile, hanging up before walking into the room where the show is about to start. I smirk when I see my target's friends waiting for them. Making my way over to my seat, I sigh.

"You are so slow," I smirk in his direction. "Are you pretending to be a blind man or are you just stupid, wearing shades in here?"

"You're stupid," the bastard told me, "why would a blind man come here?"

"Watch your mouth," I snap at him, watching him clench his jaw. "Better move fast, slowpoke."

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