11 | Lay With Me

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                ALYSSA was passed out in my arms as I carry her into our bedroom for tonight. Even in this drunken state she's in, she's so beautiful. I couldn't stop taking my eyes off of her while were all drinking in the mini bar. Entering the room, I gently lay her down on the bed, hearing her talk in her sleep. I pull the covers over her body as she starts opening her eyes a bit.

"Go to bed, I'll be outside, " I said quietly, about to walk away but she reaches out, grabbing my sleeve. I turn around looking at her hand still holding on, then to her. She gives me a sleepy smile, tucking, "Come lay with me."

When I don't say anything, but just remain standing there, unsure if I should or not, she tucks again, "Stay with me, Demon." I chuckle quietly when she pats the other side of the bed.

"I thought you don't like sharing a bed with me, Angel," I tell her playfully and she just smiled, patting the bed again.

"Come," She yawns. I shake my head, removing my jacket before getting into the bed with her, making sure not to go closer to her. I'm not like that. I put a little space between us, giving her a small smile.

She grins, scooting closer to me. I was confused when she suddenly frowned at me. "If you...if you...rather be with that girl then go."

I cock a brow at her, amused. Is she jealous? They say people tend to say their sober thoughts when their drunk.

"What are you talking about, Angel?" I ask her curiously, propped on my elbow as I look at her roll her eyes. She laid on her back just staring at the ceiling.

"You were flirting with that- that- that goose." She answered, making me chuckle at her. She turns her face towards me, frowning at me.

How cute. I thought.

"I wasn't. She was flirting with me, Angel." I tell her, even though I know she might not remember our conversation the next morning.

"You better," She mumbles. "You-"

She points at me unsteadily, "-are mine."

"Am I?" I tease her.

"I love...you, Damian." I look at her weirdly when her arm suddenly drops on my head. I take a good look at her, she's passed out.

She loves me? My heart was beating fast from what she said. My Angel loves me back? That's the best thing I've heard all day. I pick up her hand that was on my head and gently placed a kiss on the back of it, falling asleep beside the love of my life.

She's probably going to forget everything tomorrow, but at least I know how she feels for me.





I hear an angelic voice from beside me. My arm wrapped around a body as I keep my eyes closed, still tired. Right now feels great. The sleep I had gotten was the best I had in awhile.

"Demon, wake up." I feel someone pushing me away. I open my eyes, staring into beautiful green eyes. They looked annoyed and pissed off.

"Finally," Alyssa sighs, "let me go."

I realized she was wrapped in my arms and smirk, pulling her closer making her gasp. Groaning, she muttered, "I reek of alcohol. Let go."

I sigh, not wanting to let her go but do it anyway. She gets up, groaning as she puts a hand to her head. "I drank too much."

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