41 | Rise Above All

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It is almost Sunday. Today is Thursday, and here I am sitting on the couch reading a book. Yes, reading a book. They didn't make me do anything and are just holding me hostage. I don't have to deal with anything except when Iana comes by at the house with her nasty attitude. 

Here we are in the living room where she's currently trying on wedding dresses. The maids were helping her as best they can, but she is so bitchy. She keeps scolding them at the smallest things. Its so annoying. 

"Are you trying to kill me?!" Iana shouts at the maid who was trying to pull the zipper up. 

"I-I'm sorry. The dress doesn't fit you-"

"Are you saying I'm fat?!" 

Putting the book down, I stand up to face Iana who glares at me. Standing in front of the maid, I smile at her innocently, saying, "The dress is too small for you, Tarrah. Please choose another one." 

"Fuck off, Alyssa. I'm talking to the maid," She snaps at me, but I remain standing there confidently. 

"Well, the maids need a rest from that attitude of yours," I tell her before turning to the maid, "Leave, I'll take it from here."

They nod at me before scurrying off to the kitchen. I turn to Iana who gave me a death glare, but I merely smiled back and went over to the dresses, looking over each. They are all so pretty. Choosing one, I then turn to Iana while holding it. 

"Try this one on," I tell her but she only makes a face at me, not believing that I'm actually behaving this way. She grabs it from me before going to change into it while I sit back down on the couch, opening the book again. After a few minutes, she comes back out wearing the dress and stands in the mirror. She looks so beautiful. 

"It looks good on you," I comment, standing behind her. 


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Rolling her eyes at me, she picks up her phone, saying, "I'm tired. I'll try on the rest later." 

I start putting the dresses back on it's hangers while waiting for her to come back out. When she comes back out, she smirks coming my way, saying, "I hate you."

I laugh a little, "And for what reason?" 

"I just hate you. You'll find out soon," She shrugs, sitting down on the couch. I go to sit down too, holding the book as I read. There's not much to do. I have no phone and Lewis gave me this book to read. I flip the page, looking at the pictures but then someone pulls my arm. I look up to see Iana looking at my hand. Her eyes focus on the green ring on my finger, looking awe.

"Let go off me," I  try to pull my hand away but she held it tighter just as the front door opens and the old man and Emilia walks in, confused when they saw Iana and I like this. 

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