49 | Aunt Meredith

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"BOSS, what do we do? The mansion is being attacked," I hear my lackey ask worriedly, standing behind me as I look out to the ocean.

I puff out smoke, thinking about it. I got a call that the mansion has been attacked by a powerful gang. We didn't get to hear much before the caller got shot and we lost contact. What I know is that my father may or may not be dead. I don't want to interfere for now as I don't want to die and besides, it's my father.

That old man can take care of himself without me.

That is what he always tell me anyways.

He never wanted my help and thinks I am unfit to lead the gang. He doesn't understand that I can make the gang stronger if he just let's me take control, but no. He only has his pride and cares for Emilia more than he does me.

If he dies, then I can take over the gang at last.

I will show him that I can make our gang rise above all.

I turn away from the window when I heard the news.

"Boss," my lackey trailed off, seeing the news.

It was about the mansion! They fucking burned up our mansion! They went too far. I curl my fist, filled with rage, but then slowly relax.

"Make a call. Find out if Father's dead," I order my lackey.

"Yes sir," he answered, walking out of the room as I continue to watch the news.


"Boss, the Big Boss is dead," I was informed later on.

It was sad to hear. My father is gone and our home is burned down. Everything we have and all the memories we made in that mansion is burned to ashes.

It's sad, yes. But it's also great because it means that now I have full control over the gang since father is dead.

I stand up from the couch, turning around to face my lackey, holding a glass of vodka. He turns down, feeling intimidated as I approach him.

"Inform everyone, " I start talking, making him look at me, "...my old man's gone and that leaves me as your new boss."

Damn, that felt good.

"Inform our allies that we will be attacking the Dragon gang soon," I walk over to the window, staring at the sky, "We have to be ready."

"Yes sir," He replied before going to do as ordered.


"WE FOUND HIM," Fabio informed me about Daniel who is still roaming around. I wasn't going to rest until I kill off every one from the Gambino family. I will kill each and everyone associated with that family.

"Where is he?" I asked, sitting back against the couch.

"He and his men are staying in a house near the dock, Boss. I hear they're planning on attacking us. With Danilo dead, his son is now the new gang leader," Malu informed me, standing beside Fabio who smiled at her proudly.

I smirk at the idea of that lame ass gang attacking my gang. They don't stand a chance against my gang. We're the Dragons.  We are a powerful gang with or without our allies.

"What do we do, Boss?" Fabio queried.

"Take some rest, " I said simply, standing up, "...tomorrow night, we kill him. Everyone should take some rest. It's been a long night."

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