51 | The Trio

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HOLDING CAMILLA, I anxiously look out the window, waiting for Bryce to come home. I was worried sick when he didn't come home for days. I began to think he left me and Camilla for a better life. But then I received word from some guy that they're bringing him home soon.

There was so much I needed to know. No one wanted to explain what had happened. When Bryce comes home, he'll tell me everything. I only know that he got involved in Alyssa's mess.

A car pulls up and I smile, "Baby your daddy's home!"

I happily carry my daughter and we both rush down the stairs to welcome home our dear Bryce. Oh how I've missed him.

The door opens and I quickly run to him, pulling him into a hug as he struggles to walk. He had crutches with him and he looks so terrible right now. His face is bruised up, but I don't care.

He's back and alive. That's all that matters to me.

He groans but laughs after, "I've missed you both..."

I couldn't help but start to cry as I look at him, "We missed you too. I'm glad you're okay, baby!"

"I'm glad to be back...I didn't want you and our daughter to be left alone," Bryce whispered softly before kissing me on the lips.

Looking behind him, I saw Claire standing there awkwardly. She looked ashamed of herself and didn't know if she should stay here.


I continue staring at her, making her look away, uncomfortable.

I leave Bryce's side quickly that he almost fell, going to Claire and pulling her into a crush, "I'm glad you're okay."


           WHEN WE CAME BACK HOME, I was engulfed in a hug. My mother and Emma both hugged me, crying tears of joy and being careful not to hurt my bump. Mom didn't want to let me go at all and Emma stepped back, smiling as tears drip down her cheeks.

Damian stands beside me, watching everything with a smile. Nico couldn't stand there and watch anymore so he came and joined in. I am so happy to be back home in one piece.

I think about my father and smile...he's in a better place now.

"Oh darling," Mom choked, "I was worried sick about you. O my babies!"

"I'm back so now you don't have to worry," I tell her as she pulls back.

"I will always worry, I'm your mother," She said as we all start to walk back into the house. "You must be hungry. Come, Emma and I have prepared a feast for you."

"How bout us?" Nico asked, walking with Alejandro and Damian behind us.

"Forget you guys," Emma waved them off. "Go call your lovers so they can eat with dear Angel."

"I'm hurt," Alejandro said jokingly but we the ladies ignore them.

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