Chapter 21

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The sun was at it's highest, for it was midday. The heat was beating down through the forest. Juliet was walking beside Danielle, and Crimson wasn't too far, trailing behind them.

"Are you sure we should bring him into Cynthia's house?" whispered Danielle to Juliet.

"We have to Dani," said Juliet back. "He knows about Vividless...and he's weak now." She looked back at Crimson. He had a scowl on his face and he was following them cautiously. His arms were crossed.

"Why is he in such a mood?" asked Danielle quietly. "It's not like we're going to hurt him... why is he acting so rude?"

"I don't know man," said Juliet. "Cynthia apparently killed his business partner and now he hates her."

"Hmm, I don't blame her though," said Danielle. "Both of them planned to kill us, so she did what she had to do."

"Yeah," said Juliet. "...I guess you're right. But it stills seems weird to think of Cynthia as a killer... She didn't even tell me what happened." She sighed. "She's my best friend and she always tells me everything that happens..."

Danielle felt a slight hint of jealousy. She knew that Juliet and Cynthia were close; the two of them had known each other the longest. Danielle thought about transferring schools so that she could be with Juliet and Cynthia, but she wasn't sure how her grandma would react to that idea. She gave a soft smile back at Juliet and continued to walk in silence.

"Oh my stars I'm starving!" yelled Crimson dramatically. "How much farther until we get to reds house?"

"She has a name you know," said Juliet. "And we'll be there in about... twenty minutes I believe, right Dani?"

"Yes." Responded Danielle. Danielle knew her ways around this forest and was practically guiding Juliet and Crimson through it.

"I know she has a name but she doesn't have my respect." said Crimson. "I don't respect her enough to call her by her real name... stupid bitch." He mumbled.

Juliet and Danielle exchanges glances.

"How about we stop for a snack or somethin," said Juliet. "There's plenty of berries and grass."

"Who the hell eats grass?" asked Crimson.

"I do." said Danielle. "When I'm an animal, that is."

"I don't want pity food." Crimson snickered. "I want something filling and up to my standards."

"Well you aren't getting shit then." said Juliet. "You'll have to wait until we get to Cynthia's house."

Crimson groaned. "I'll just leave and find food somewhere el-"

Juliet flung herself backwards and grabbed onto Crimsons arm. "You aren't going anywhere." She scolded at him. Her eyes glowed a bright blue and small bolts of electricity ran throughout her veins. An intimidating look spread across her face.

"I don't think he even knows his way out of the forest..." said Danielle softly. She watched as Juliet intimidated Crimson with her hand grasped around his arm. She sighed.

"Oh," said Juliet. "You're probably right." She glared at Crimson and let go of her grip. "Just stay with us and behave." she said. "You're like what, twenty?"

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