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Luckily the teacher didn't come so it gave us a lot of time to talk and get to know each other. I got to learn a lot about him and I also told him everything about myself.

When the bell rang for change of class I didn't have any class till after lunch but Jack had class so I decided to walk him to his class. We walk holding hands whiles chatting till we got to the door of his next class.

We hugged and he kissed my forehead before bidding  me goodbye and walking to his class. I smiled to myself and walk to the library to meet Nancy and Janice since both of them also don't have any class till after lunch.

I felt so happy because  in just three days God has given me two sweet and best friends , a fake boyfriend and a big brother , this is all I could ever ask for in life. I walk to the library to give my two besties  the good news only to be met with an angry Janice  and a crying Nancy.

I quickly walked to them and when they notice I was standing by both looked at me.

Why are you crying Nancy ?  I tried touching her but she rudely pushed my hand away.

Don't you dare touch me. She warned with so much anger and pain in her voice. I look at her confused because I didn't understand  what is going on.

What is going on ? What have I done ? I asked looking at both of them.

How can you betray me like this, I thought we are friends and if you like him why didn't you tell me. Nancy said looking at me and my heart broke seeing the state she was in but Janice  just stood there looking at me angrily. What I didn't understand  is what Nancy is talking about and why is Janice looking at me angrily.

What the fuck are you talking about ? I yelled feeling frustrated because everything she was saying make no sense to me.

This 👉📱. Janice talked for the first time since I entered the library pointing to something on her IPhone. I took the phone and what I saw and read made me burst out laughing. It was a picture of Jack and I when he place a kiss on my cheek in class with the caption ; THE HOT NERD AND THE INTROVERT BAD BOY MAKING OUT IN CLASS.

In Cambell gossip spread quickly like fire and no one mind their own business and what even makes me laugh more was the nickname they gave jack and I. Like seriously Hot nerd and introvert Bad boy 😂😂😂. Whiles I was laughing Janice and Nancy were looking at me like I have suddenly grown two heads. When my laughter died down I spoke...

So our cute friend here is crying because she think am dating jack, for God sake how can I date someone I see as an big brother ?  I laughed more.

Brother ? They chorused looking at me confused. I explained everything that happened in class to them and they looked at me apologetically. 

We are sorry ? They said together like two five years old kids who are been caught by their mum stealing. I sighed and spoke.....

See girls you are like family to me and I will never betray you even if at gunpoint. I know we haven't been friends for long , it just three days but I have grown fond of you. You girls have showed me what true friendship is, not caring about what people will say and the difference  in our social backgrounds, I love you girls and please try and trust me.

Cheryl please we are sorry for not trusting.  Nancy said looking down.

It OK girls let put this behind us. Just know that I will never betray you girls and am not even ready to go into any relationship  because am not sure I can fall in love again after what happened with Brad. I said and we group hugged as we chat happily till the bell rang for lunch.

We were a little late for lunch but Nancy needed to re-apply her make up  since she ruined it when she cried. We walked into the cafeteria and immediately all the chatter stopped and everyone began to stare as we made our way to the jet set table , they began whispering.  I rolled my eyes at them and kept walking with my head held high.

We got to the table we sat down and ordered our food. The three of us ordered hamburgers and orange juice with a bottle of water. When I was about to eat Brittany's stupid voice stopped me.......

WOW so the nerd is now dating the introvert Bad boy, what a weird combination. She smirked. I cursed under my breath and look up at her about to answer her but Jack beat me to it.

Brittany can you shut the fuck up and mind your own business ?  Jack sassed.

I am minding my own business but is that why you fought Brad when her sex video went viral ? Did your little girlfriend here ask you to do that for her?  She smirked

What you fought Brad because of me ? I asked Jack and he nervously scratch the back of his forehead.

Kind off, are you mad ?  He asked nervously.

Am not bored am happy that at least someone stood up for me and showed that asshole that am not alone , thanks Jack I wish I was there to see you punch that douche bag. I said feeling emotional.

Did you just call me an asshole and a douche bag. Brad asked looking at me angrily.

Yh aren't you ? I smirked.

Look Cheryl , I know you are calling me an asshole and a douche bag because you are bitter that I chose Brittany over you but let me tell you one thing , I never loved you and will never love you. You make me sick even with your makeover you look like shit to me......... Brad yelled but  Jack and Gerald cut him off by rudely hitting the table.

Shut the fuck up Brad..... Gerald said angrily whiles i sit there stunned and my heart break into peice but Brad did not take the hint so he continued.

I felt like throwing up anytime I kiss you. You disgust me. Do you think anyone like you here, they all pity you and jack there doesn't like you he just want to get into your pant. He will dump you soon and if  I am to chose between Brittany and you again , I will always chos....... before he Could finish Gerald punched his face  and he stumbled backwards. I didn't even realise when Gerald stood up and went over to Brad's end....

When he studied himself and was about to retaliate another punch landed on his stomach from Jack. Scott , Larry and jeremy rushed to stop the fight whiles Brittany, Andrea and  Kelly looked at me with mock smile on their face whiles Ashley look at me apologetically which I don't get why because she is suppose to be part of them. The whole cafeteria went silent as they all took their phones and started recording the fight and whispering.

When they all calmed down and came but to their seats I looked at at Brad and smiled before speaking .

Thank you.  That was all I said to Brad before standing up from my chair and walked out of the cafeteria with Janice, Nancy, Gerald, Jack and Scott behind me.

Christalyne peisie

MY SWEET REVENGE ( NOT EDITTED )Where stories live. Discover now