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I feel it will be difficult for me to get the evidence alone. You see Brad's father doesn't trust me or let me say has never trusted me. Because of what he did to my parent he think maybe one day I will find out and come after him so he has been very suspicious and careful with me amd any wrong move will get me caught. And for Jeremy, his parent has never allowed him to bring me to their home and I feel we could get most of the evidence at Jeremy's house............Ashley said.

Yeah I think you are right. That is why I want Ryan around you to help you. Since you still stay with Brad's parent it will be easier for Ryan to come to Brad's parents house if you are dating him and they won't suspect him that much..............Gerald explained.

Okay so what about Jeremy because I just broke up with him today using the excuse that we can't be together since he is my cousin's best friend......... Ashley said.

Ryan will be dating you and will automatically be able to enter Brad's parent house in the pretence of coming to see you but will be looking for information and also I have a spy who is a guard there and he will help you guys but for Jeremy we need to set him up with a girl he can take home because the more spies we have among them the bigger our chances of getting fast evidence...................... Gerald said.

And who would that be ......... Jack asked.

I don't know buddy......... Gerald said.

I have two questions here......... Ryan said.

Ok ask........ Gerald replied.

How am I going to get on the jet set table and get to Brittany's group without been suspicious.......... Ryan asked.

Okay the thing is Brittany has this theory that Cheryl here is trying to gather all her enemies and use them against her so it is likely she will do the same. An enemy to Cheryl will be a friend to Brittany......... Ashley said.

So you mean if I have problem with someone it will be easier for Brittany to want to join hands with that person and hurt me............ I asked.

Exactly. You see if you and Ryan will be able to show Brittany and her friends that you really hate each other I am sure it won't be long for Ryan to join Brittany's group and then after he joins Brittany's group  we will start dating.......... Ashley said.

I get it........ I replied.

Ok so we have everything solved except one thing........... Gerald said.

And what is that........... We all asked.

Who will we set Jeremy up with. I mean we need a lady we can trust who can do this job well. She has to seduce and make Jeremy fall for her so she can get to Jeremy's house and get evidence because I know Jeremy's father will keep all evidence against Brad's father just to have Brad's parent eating from his palm. So I am sure we will get a lot of evidence at Jeremy's parent house.......... Gerald said. We all sat quietly and a name pop into my head and without thinking of it I said it out.

Sandra.......... I said.

What do you mean.......... Gerald asked as the rest look at me confused.

I mean Sandra can do this job well. I trust she can and she is the best option we have. She is seductive and Brittany and her group of friends doesn't know her so it will be easier for her to fit and above all she is beautiful and you all can attest that she can be very mean............. I explained.

What are you talking about. That girl can blow our covers............. Janice said.

No babe am sure she won't.......... I replied.

What makes you so sure cherry.......... Scott said.

I trust her. I know she is a good girl and I know when we explain things to her she will help us............I said.

Is she not the same girl we suspected helped Brittany and Brad to frame you up........... Ryan asked.

Yes and she is the same person that helped Gerald saved my reputation....... I replied.

But that doesn't mean she is trustworthy and perhaps we all know she want Gerald what makes you sure she didn't help Gerald save you just to get close to him.............. Jack asked.

She doesn't want Gerald. All she did was for a reason and a good one at that........... I replied.

What possible reason will make a girl sleep with her boss and ask for a hundred thousand dollars as compensation if not that she is a gold digger. To top it off she treated you like shit and was bitchy too............ Jack snapped.

She did that to save her dying seven years old little sister. Her only family left. She was desperate and made mistakes. She took the hundred thousand dollars and slept with Gerald because she needed money for her sister's surgery. Her little sister needed surgery and needed two hundred thousand dollars for the surgery or she dies in six month. She didn't know what to do and out of desperation she slept with Gerald just to extract money from him........... I explained.

Is that the nonsense she fed you with............ Scott said.

For God sake I saw it myself. I went to the hospital with her to pay the rest of the money........... I said.

How did you know all this........ Ryan asked.

I came back home yesterday  to ask for her forgiveness for attacking and accusing her of a crime she didn't commit but when I got home I saw her carrying her luggages out and I helped her. On the road I ask for her address and found out she was homeless because her land lord sacked her from the house and she has no where to go. I asked her why she was mean to me and she told me everything and took me to the hospital to see her sister............... I explained.

Wow she was going through all this and didn't ask for any of our help........ Janice said

Because she was shy to approach us and ask help....... I replied.

Ok if you say you trust her then we also trust her. We just hope she doesn't betray us.............. Jack said and the rest nodded.

Ok princess both of us will meet her and see how it goes but do you know where she stays........... Gerald finally spoke after a long silence on his part.

Yes she stays in my apartment now..........I replied.

Ok since we have everything settled we will do this....... He said looking at each of us then continued.

Scott please keep an eye on my sister and make sure she is okay throughout this face of the plan and the next face too, jack keep an eye on your girlfriend. Ryan keep an eye on Ashley and if it happens that Sandra joins us you keep an eye on her too and I will keep an eye on Princess......... He said and we all nodded.

I just hope we get through this face of the plan successfully and gather all the evidence needed that will ruin them forever.

❤️ U
Christalyne peisie
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